Jamie Buckingham Ministries
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In Jamie’s words
Draw closer to God through the life and ministry of Jamie Buckingham.
This website is dedicated to Jamie Buckingham (1932-1992) and to preserving his works (books, teachings, and video devotionals). Please take a few minutes to visit around the site, using the links at the top of this page, and see the various materials available for you to explore and experience his ministry. Also, please visit us and like us on Facebook using the button in the lower right hand corner of this page.
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A new 365-day devotional book based on Jamie’s teachings
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Special bonus! Listen to the sermons here: https://jamiebuckinghamministries.com/devotionals/
Jamie’s work impacted numerous lives and influenced Christians all over the world. He wrote over 45 books and was an internationally known apostolic and prophetic voice for the Charismatic movement from the early 1970’s to the time he died in Feb. 1992. While his books may be what he is most remembered for by the Christians who read them and remember him, his ministry to the local church in Melbourne, Florida, and his love for Israel were where his heart was.
Please visit this site often as more and more of Jamie’s materials will be posted as they become available. Risky Living Ministries has collected over 950 audio cassette recordings of Jamie’s teachings at his church and many other locations all over the country. They are in various stages of being converted and edited for posting to this site. Over 350 of his teachings are now available for free listening under the Audios tab.
We also have several multi-part video series that were filmed in Israel and feature Jamie’s unique teaching style. They are excellent for Bible study groups, home groups or for your own personal study. The workbooks are available for you to download for free or you can purchase newly printed and bound copies. You can find links to the videos and workbooks under the Videos tab.
Many of Jamie’s books have been republished in paperback (and some in hardback) and are also available for the first time as e-books and audio books. You can find them in our Bookstore. In addition, some of Jamie’s best sermons have been transcribed and turned into books in the Jamie Buckingham Classic Sermon Series.
Jamie’s popular columns are also available in an easy-to-read PDF format under the Writings tab.
Our hope is that, through this website, Jamie’s writings and teachings can be enjoyed and savored once again. May we all continue to be challenged, encouraged, and blessed by Jamie’s wit, wisdom, and powerful storytelling abilities that always point us to Jesus and the kingdom of God.
This site is produced and maintained by Risky Living Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 not-for-profit ministry dedicated to preserving and promoting Jamie Buckingham’s written and audio/video ministry resources. Donations to RLM can be made through the Donations tab. Donations are tax deductible and will go toward the advancement of the kingdom of God through the dissemination of Jamie’s books and other ministry materials.