God blesses those who are willing to wait for Him and not take matters into their own hands. How impatient we are to get ahead of God. Daniel waited before the Lord. He was a man of great patience and God blessed him for it. Patience before the Lord is not easy, but it reaps great rewards.
Location: Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship, Bradenton, FL
God Blesses Our Specific Prayer
Our specific prayers are often answered by God, not by God increasing our indulgences, but by Him reducing our neediness. God knows the intent of our heart. He knows if we are praying with a greedy heart or if we are really planning to follow through on our commitments to Him, to love Him and obey His commandments.
They Left Their Nets (Part 1)
We cannot bypass the foundational elements of what Jesus taught us simply because they seem hard. Jesus said we should love the Lord thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We must have our feet planted on the rock of Jesus Christ and put into practice the words and commands He gave us.
They Left Their Nets (Part 2)
We cannot bypass the foundational elements of what Jesus taught us simply because they seem hard. Jesus said we should love the Lord thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We must have our feet planted on the rock of Jesus Christ and put into practice the words and commands He gave us.
The Lordship of Jesus
When you decide to follow Jesus, you voluntarily surrender the right to choose or the power to vary the consequences. Salvation is obedience to Jesus but we cannot follow Jesus on our terms. We can only follow Him by being totally committed to Him and on His terms.