Talk About Tongues

God wants each of us to be empowered by the filling of his Holy Spirit, just as Jesus was. Jamie shares his testimony of his first experience with the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues.

Inner Healing

God wants us to be whole – not only physically whole but whole in our inner person, our mind and psychological self. We are not bound by our experiences or our ancestry. God can reach into our subconscious and heal our past hurts.

True and False Teachers

Jamie focuses on the warnings in the Bible regarding false teachers, yet how we as Christians must first learn to live in this world as Christ did — expressing agape love.

Deception (part 2)

Satan is seeking to deceive us so we can be led away from God’s will in our lives. Using Psalm 19 Jamie gives 6 standards on how to escape the deceptions of Satan.


It is God’s intention that His people rule this planet and that includes having dominion over Satan. Jesus came to restore to us the dominion we once had in the Garden, over all the things in and of this world.

Deception (part 1)

Satan is seeking to deceive us so we can be led away from God’s will in our lives. Using Psalm 19 Jamie gives 6 standards on how to escape the deceptions of Satan.