10 Bible People Like Me (Bible Study Series)

Ten Bible People Like Me is a 10-part video Bible study series filmed on location in Israel by Jamie Buckingham, one of Christianity’s great teachers and storytellers.  Through these 12-minute character studies of key men and women in the Bible, Jamie helps us to understand that: (1) God loves ordinary people; (2) All God is looking for is someone willing to obey;  (3) God uses whom He chooses; (4) There are no big and no little people in God’s eyes; and (5) Bible people were just like you and me. Ten Bible People Like Me is ideal for use in Sunday School classes, home groups, or individual Bible study.


1. Abraham

2. Joshua

3. Deborah

4. Gideon

5. David

6. Elijah

7. John the Baptist

8. Mary & Elizabeth

9. John Mark

10. Simon Peter