Speaking to a group of thousands of young people gathered in Orlando, Jamie states that the question for most non-believers is not, “Is there a God?” Rather, it’s “What kind of God is He?” and “Does He really care for us?”
Topic: Believing God
Believe God
Physical healing is part of the atoning work of Jesus. Faith is believing that when God speaks He always speaks truth. If you believe what God says, then the promises of God are yours: Promises of healing and promises of prosperity. It shall be on earth as it is in heaven when we believe God.
Believing God
Just weeks after his cancer diagnosis, Jamie teaches what he heard from God. He states that we are not to give God orders. We are not to tell God what to do. Don’t claim healing, claim God. Want God only, then trust Him to do what He wants to do. God does not want to hurt us or scare us. Trust God and fear not.
I Believe God
We have a hard time believing God in this day and age. We hope and we wish, but that is not the same as believing God and believing in His faithfulness. Jesus taught us to come to him as would a little child, stand on the Word of God, and just believe.