Jamie lists several ways to avoid deception, discern truth, and test prophetic words. He sounds a warning against false prophets.
Topic: Deception
Deception (part 2)
Satan is seeking to deceive us so we can be led away from God’s will in our lives. Using Psalm 19 Jamie gives 6 standards on how to escape the deceptions of Satan.
Running from God
After listing 5 key relationships necessary within the church, Jamie discusses how Christians share a universal problem with Jonah, running from the word of God. That in turn leaves us open to being attacked and deceived by Satan. (June 17, 1976)
Fly High with God
Jamie shares what Christians are to do when Satan attacks and how we can avoid being bewitched by our worldly culture and lured into a false belief of what our faith in Jesus Christ is really all about and how it should be lived.
The Word is Absolute
Satan is a deceiver. He likes to take the very best we have and twist it just a little, so we are sent off target. He does that with some of our words like love and family. He changes them ever so slightly so we miss their true meaning. But the Word that can’t be changed is Jesus Christ. He is absolute and will not change.
Deception (part 1)
Satan is seeking to deceive us so we can be led away from God’s will in our lives. Using Psalm 19 Jamie gives 6 standards on how to escape the deceptions of Satan.