God’s great desire is to form us so that we have our godly dreams fulfilled. A key to having our dreams fulfilled is being where God wants us to be. Have we gotten off at the wrong stop on our journey with Him? The call of God is a call to movement. We must not be satisfied staying where we are when God wants us to move on with Him.
Topic: Dreams Fulfilled
A God of Encouragement
Jamie shares about how the Holy Spirit will help fulfill our God given dreams if we will allow him to fill us and use us. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, He activities the dreams that God placed there from the very beginning of time.
Becoming the Person God Wants you to Be
Why do so many of us fall short of where God wants us to be? The Holy Spirit came to challenge us to be a person with purpose, to do the impossible, to go when and where Jesus beckons, to trust God, to step out and walk on water.
Flowers with Faces
We all have dreams of doing great and wonderful things for the Lord. Don’t take them lightly. Cherish them. Even when things don’t seem to be working out right or taking a very long time, hold on to the dreams God has given you. Offer them to the Lord and He will bless them. You can trust Him with your dreams because He put them in your heart in the first place.
How Dreams Come True
Jamie teaches on the desires of our heart and how God wants to fulfill our dreams, as long as they are in line with His will for our lives. He also discusses the first steps to becoming like Jesus.
The Fruit of Belief
Jesus was not happy when he saw that a fig tree was not producing the fruit it had been gifted to produce. Likewise, God expects us to be fruitful with the gifts He had given to each of us. And by faith we can produce the fruit God’s wants us to produce—good fruit that will glorify the Lord.