Inner Healing Series (Part 1)

Dreams give us insight into our most inner concerns and fears. Dreams are a mirror of our soul. Yet, our warfare is on a spiritual level and we can take captive each thought, each dream, and give them to Christ. He will transform us by the renewing of our minds, and our minds are renewed through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Letting Your Dreams Come to Pass

Jamie talks about how we should let the dreams of our heart from long ago be released, in order for God to work in us today. We must pray for God to give us courage and strength to do whatever He has called us to do.

Live or Die for the Glory of God

There is a place in the Christian community for the dreamer. What dream has God placed in your heart? Don’t put it aside. Trust God.

Dreams – The Counselor of God

The secret to hearing God comes from living in accordance to the Spirit and being governed by Him and not by our sinful nature.