If we are going to understand how to have faith, we must understand what the word of God is. How do you receive faith? You receive it by hearing the word of God — both the Rhema word and the Logos word of God.
Topic: Faith
God’s Enemies – Self Reliance and Self Confidence
God does not ask that we depend on our own abilities. He asks that we depend and rely upon Him alone.
God is in Control
Jamie draws lessons for today from the book of Habakkuk. The Old Testament book is full of Habakkuk’s complaints yet it ends with a song. God teaches Habakkuk three critical spiritual lessons that are applicable for Christians today.
Walk into the Sunrise
Reasoning together is good. But when it comes to understanding God, He is not a God who can be fathomed through human reasoning or logic. We must have faith. Even though the world will call us foolish, faith is the only way to know God and to be in His presence.
Perseverance and God’s Faithfulness
In his last message before his death, Jamie talks frankly and openly about his faith in God and how perseverance through trials is the only way to life everlasting.
Royal Priesthood
Faith moves us into eternal life. It brings us into the fullness of the Christian life as a holy and delivered people. So if you live in God’s ways and keep His commands, you will live in holiness and the Lord your God will bless you.
Source of Life
Jamie teaches on what to do when you receive bad news. This message is taken from his sermon the week after he received his diagnosis of inoperable cancer.
Through Suffering
How do we have faith as we go through periods of suffering? Faith is knowing God is with us through it all. Faith welcomes God’s purpose for us regardless of our circumstances.