Jesus healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda. He has been lame for 38 years but could never get in the waters when they stirred. Jesus saw the man needed more than physical healing when he blamed others for his predicament. God wants us to find peace and adventure in everything we experience, for His glory.
Topic: Healing
Miracles Series (Part 2) – The Blind Man Now Sees
Part 2 of Miracles Series. Jesus heals the man blind from birth. His blindness was not because of his or his parents’ sin, but so God could be given the glory.
Acts Chapter 14
Jamie teaches on the healing that is available to all of us while telling the story of Paul and Barnabas healing a lame man in Acts 14. Paul and Barnabas were stoned for teaching God’s Word. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” Jamie says. It is far more important to be obedient to God than to try to stay alive.
Healing for Today
Healing is at the heart of what God wants to do for us today. Jesus manifested himself and made himself known by healing. There is healing in the cross of Jesus and God chooses to heal today.
Inner Healing
God wants us to be whole – not only physically whole but whole in our inner person, our mind and psychological self. We are not bound by our experiences or our ancestry. God can reach into our subconscious and heal our past hurts.
Summer of Miracles Scripture Companion (Part 1)
Jamie discusses healing from a Biblical perspective as he reads scriptures that focus on healing. As Jamie battled cancer he found healing in the Word of God. As you listen to these wonderful healing promises from the Bible, I pray you, too, will be free from fear and healed of all your disease.
Summer of Miracles Scripture Companion (Part 2)
Jamie discusses healing from a Biblical perspective as he reads scriptures that focus on healing. As Jamie battled cancer he found healing in the Word of God. As you listen to these wonderful healing promises from the Bible, I pray you, too, will be free from fear and healed of all your disease.