Jamie asks, What is holiness? How are we as Christians set apart from the world? What is it that makes us different?
Topic: High Calling
High Calling
This is the story of Ruth and Boaz and Boaz’s gift of mercy. Like Ruth, we all have people who have helped us along the way.
God’s Standard for Holiness
The foundation to holiness is getting rid of the ungodly things in your life. But that is just the start. The real aspect of holiness is adding to your life. Paul says we need to “put on the new self,” and live a holy life that is pleasing to God.
Living Life without Limits
Without the Spirit of God we limit ourselves. Jamie shares five things we can do to not be caught up in the world’s systems and to live a life in the Spirit of God, a life without limits.
Possessing the Land–Moving Toward the High Calling
Everyone who has been saved has been called. But the chosen are those who move beyond just being saved. They are moving toward their high calling in Christ Jesus. If you want to enter into the true abundance of a life in Christ, you must allow the fountain of life to flow through you to the world around you.
The High Calling
Jamie shares with multiple points, ways to claim the high calling of God. If you will put these things into practice you will walk away with your head high; depression will go, fear and anxiety will fall away, and you will know who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ.