
Jamie discusses the spiritual aspects of speaking in tongues. It is a gift from God, and He desires us to use it often to communicate with Him. Tongues is man speaking to God, using a prayer language we cannot comprehend–but God can.

Pentecost for Today

The Holy Spirit has been given to us all, if we will only believe and accept Him. He was not just for the early church but for us today. The Holy Spirit comes into us, and suddenly we are infused with the power of God. No longer do we live without power. He will be with us always.

Acts Chapter 11

Jamie teaches on Acts Chapter 11 and Peter’s experience with fundamentalist Jews who were angered by his association with uncircumcised Gentiles. But Peter and his six witnesses testified to the fact that the Gentiles were being filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are not excited about Jesus, Jamie says, you need a dose of the Holy Spirit.

Acts Chapter 9

Jamie shares from Acts Chapter 9 about Saul’s Damascus Road encounter with the Lord and his conversion from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. He also discusses Saul’s filling with the Holy Spirit three days later and notes it was a separate experience. The Word of God teaches that there is an experience beyond your initial conversion, where you not only call Jesus Lord but are also filled with the Holy Spirit.

Acts Chapter 1 (Part 1 of 3)

This is the first in a series of studies Jamie taught on various chapters in the Book of Acts. This teaching covers Acts 1:1-11 and includes the ascension of Jesus and His command for His disciples to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Shibbeloth: Are You Spirit-Filled?

We must be careful in judging others who do things differently. The charismatic movement should not be an exclusive club. Christians should live in unity. The only legitimate question to ask is, Is Jesus Christ your Lord?

Stand Aside and Let God Work

Jamie recounts how God told him that if he would just get out of the way, He would work. Preaching doesn’t change lives, nor does worship. What changes lives is acknowledging that Jesus is Lord and allowing His Holy Spirit to move.

Following the Holy Spirit

Jesus left us with two things: the pure Word of God and the gift of His Holy Spirit. God can be trusted — He gave us the best gift possible.

The Shalom of God

When the peace of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you can expect five changes in your life, Jamie explains. These changes bring with them the desire for excellence, unity, grace, discipline, and contentment.

JB on the Holy Spirit

God wants to manifest Himself to us. He wants to show is His presence and power in ways that defy logical explanation.

Be Ready for the Holy Spirit to Move (Lengthen Your Stakes)

When you encounter the Holy Spirit, expect things to change, to flow, to move. The Holy Spirit is not placid. New wine, as it grows and ferments, is a violent experience. Place new wine in old wine skins, the Bible says, and you will have a disaster on your hands. The Holy Spirit cannot be placed into an old wine flask that can’t expand. It needs to be flexible and able to expand.

Entering the Land — Stir up the Gift

As Christians we are to be separate from the world. God has given us the Holy Spirit, yet we must, as Paul says in 2 Timothy, “stir up the gift” or “fan into flame” the gift of God, so we may be fulfilled and victorious in our daily walk with Him.

My Story

Jamie shares his testimony and how he first came to be filled with the Holy Spirit

New Wineskins

Jamie teaches that God is stretching His kingdom and He wants us, requires us, to be flexible enough to move with Him. He will not pour new wine into old wineskins. We must change and be filled with His Holy Spirit in order to move with God.

Pentecost Today

Jamie teaches on how we can receive the Holy Spirit. He tells the story of God’s plan, from the very beginning, that the Holy Spirit should come to earth, after the ascension of Jesus, and be available to all who believe.

Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Jamie shares his own personal experiences when he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time while researching his first book, Run Baby Run, with Nicky Cruz, in New York and then later in Washington, D.C. in the late 1960s.

Talk About Tongues

God wants each of us to be empowered by the filling of his Holy Spirit, just as Jesus was. Jamie shares his testimony of his first experience with the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues.

The Breath of God

God wants to bring us to the place where we no longer need to be dealt with roughly, but where he can deal with us through a gentle, inner spirit. Instead of moving us externally, he desires to move us from the inside.

The Dark Pit

Jamie discusses the need for ministers of God to be filled with the Holy Spirit at a Methodist minister’s conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C. He shares about his own difficulties attempting to serve God in his own strength, then how his life, and ministry, was radically changed once he came into the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit’s Work Today

Jamie teaches on the work of the Holy Spirit in the world today and how we will receive His power in times of trouble.

The Hope of Glory

How easy it would be for a church to become a trapping, to go off and do all the churchy things but not be filled with the Holy Spirit. God forbid we become like the Pharisees who did all the legal and lawful things but still failed to be true followers of the Lord because they refused to allow the Spirit of Jesus to lead them.

The Satisfying Spirit

For every person on earth God has a purpose. To each He has given specific gifts, and He wants to fulfill all those thing with His Holy Spirit. He wants that purpose fulfilled in each of us and for that to happen we need the presence of God working within us.