Inner Healing Series (Part 3)

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. We can have happiness and abundance in life. We can move from the place where we are to the place where God wants us to be. Jesus came so we could be a reflection of Him to the world. Nothing can stand in the way of what God intends for us.

Inner Healing Series (Part 2)

We all have issues from our past that still affect us. How do we deal with these things? What can we do about them? We allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our every thought so we can glorify God the Father.

Inner Healing Series (Part 1)

Dreams give us insight into our most inner concerns and fears. Dreams are a mirror of our soul. Yet, our warfare is on a spiritual level and we can take captive each thought, each dream, and give them to Christ. He will transform us by the renewing of our minds, and our minds are renewed through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual House Cleaning

How do we deal with the hurts from our past? Jamie encourages us to make a number of lists, including the things we don’t like or of the hurts we have experienced. Then he reveals how we are to deal with these issues. God is calling us to sweep our houses clean and be refilled with the Holy Spirit.