Jamie Buckingham Interview

In an interesting and revealing two-hour interview conducted  sometime in 1978 by an unnamed person, Jamie talks about his history, including his youth, college days, pastorships, and other aspects of his life–all preparations used by God and each contributing to his eventual career as a popular writer and speaker. He also discusses various aspects of his role at the Tabernacle Church.

Stand Aside and Let God Work

Jamie recounts how God told him that if he would just get out of the way, He would work. Preaching doesn’t change lives, nor does worship. What changes lives is acknowledging that Jesus is Lord and allowing His Holy Spirit to move.

Cardinal Sins of the Church

Jamie lists a number of pastoral mistakes he made as a church leader during a period in the late 1980s, when the Tabernacle Church was undergoing changes. The lessons and principles he discusses can apply to any leadership position.

Leadership Conference

Jamie discusses his understanding of who a leader is and what a leader’s role in the body of Christ should be. He also talks about the role of the “home church.”

A Word to Church Leaders

Jamie speaks to a group of church leaders in London, England, about the need for transparency among those who lead. He encourages all of us to raise our sails and go where the Spirit is going.

The Authority of Leadership

As Jamie prepares to ordain new elders, he teaches on the authority and responsibility of being a leader and minister in the Church.

The Servant

Being a servant is a calling for everyone who desires to be in leadership while in the service of the Lord