God is preparing His church for the next move of God. We must be ready and willing to move at a moment’s notice, like the children of Israel following the cloud in the desert. When and where God moves, we must go, as well.
Topic: Prophecy
Prophecy for the 1980s
Speaking near the end of 1979, Jamie discusses prophetically what may be ahead for Christian Believers United conferences and the charismatic movement in general in the decade to follow — the 1980s — and lists three things he believes God is calling believers to do.
A God of History and Purpose
God’s plan is to fulfill biblical prophecy. When Israel became a nation in 1948 that was fulfilling prophecy and now millions of Jews live there. God also has a plan for each of us.
The Battle is the Lord’s
God continues to speak to His people today. He speaks not only through his written word but he also speaks to us through words of prophecy. And when God speaks, we need to listen and we need to obey.