
You are not here by accident if you a member of the kingdom of God. You are where you are by divine purpose, and you are there to be an instrument of the Lord. The kingdom is being restored, and God is raising up people with freedom of worship and praise.

Genuine Christianity

Jamie tells the story of finding an old wrench in the desert and cleaning it up. Like that rusted wrench, God will take you off the junk pile, clean you up, and turn you into the person He always intended you to be.

Stamped Positive

All of us have been born into sin, but Jesus came to redeem us and restore us to the people God intended us to be from the very beginning.

A Ring for Your Finger

From the parable of the prodigal son, Jamie draws lessons on God’s forgiveness. God has a special place in His heart for those who have “thrown it all away.” He is ready and eagerly waiting for our return.

Restoring God’s Way

In this world of sin and corruption we have got to stick together. Isaiah said, though we walk through the fire the flames will not touch us.

Back to the Garden

The ultimate goal of all our Christian growth—our diligent Bible studies, our prayer and fasting, our relationships and fellowships—is that we enter into a very deep, personal, intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.