It seems we are all seeking attention. So many of us revel in past accomplishments in our endless search for recognition. Yet, as Christians we are already declared righteous. To God we have great value, regardless if people see it or not. People will always let you down. Look only to God for approval because His opinion is all that matters.
Topic: Righteousness
Eagles or Turkeys
The Bible states that we are righteous in the Lord Jesus. We are no longer bound by our old sin nature, and the Holy Spirit has come to convict us not of sin but of our righteousness. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Turkeys or Eagles
Jamie begins by asking several questions designed to determine who we are as Christians. He then tells his famous “Are you an Eagle or a Turkey?” story. He concludes by saying God wants four things for us: to be happy, healthy, prosperous and at peace. Despite being raised by “turkeys,” we are in fact eagles.