Jamie contends that the church has taken many of our ceremonies and traditions and turned them into religious laws and regulations. We have institutionalized worship. We have so polished the Gospel that it is no longer the simple message of Christ. But God wants our worship to be from the heart, not from habit or compulsion.
Topic: Worship
New Testament Worship
Jamie explains that various aspects of music affect different parts of us, whether body, soul, or spirit. Harmony in particular, he says, ministers to our spirits. Jamie also discusses the difference between praise and worship.
God’s Note
God honors our worship and He honors the fact that we honor Him. Let everything and everyone that has breath praise the Lord.
Creative Worship
It is time for the church of today to break through and move into new dimensions of worship. True worship will lead you into a true relationship with God. Pure worship is when everyone has their eyes on God. Not a pastor or a band. But only on God.