-0123 sunrise over the sea of galilee
  Experience the sunrise over the Sea of Galilee
Visit the Jordan Valley and Bet She' an
       Visit the Jordan Valley and Bet She’an
Pray at the Western Wall and visit the Ancient Rabbinic Tunnel
Pray at the Western Wall and visit the Ancient Rabbinic Tunnel
See Jerusalem and your life will never be the same!
See Jerusalem and your life will never be the same!


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[message_box title=”” color=”red”]Risky Living Ministries presents “A Tour of Israel with The Buckinghams” With REGRETS this tour has been postponed…[/message_box]

Tour Israel with the Buckinghams! We are going to Israel March 15-26, 2015, and we want you to come with us.

Plan now for the trip of a lifetime. Experience Israel…Land of the Bible!


Jamie Buckingham loved the Holy Land.  He visited often, filmed many of his best teachings there, and led hundreds of people on tours that opened their minds, hearts, and spirits to the unique beauty and spiritual significance of this land where Jesus walked.

Now, in that same spirit of reverence, appreciation, and adventure, Jamie’s eldest son, Bruce, and his wife, Michele, are hosting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour Israel with the Buckinghams.  They will be joined by their nephew T.J. Buckingham, Jamie’s eldest grandson and Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel, Melbourne, FL.

Check out our brochure: Buckingham Israel tour 2015 pdf

Bruce and Michele Buckingham