These editorials and feature articles by Jamie Buckingham were published in Ministries Today magazine.
To read Jamie’s Preview columns published in Ministries Today please click here!
Coping with Change of Command in the Local Church (Spring 1984) — Few experiences are more exciting — or frightening — than taking over from a previous pastor. In this article a veteran minister (Jamie Buckingham) gives insight on what to expect, and how to handle potential problems.

Charismatic Fads (Jan/Feb 1989) (Editorial) — Both American culture and American Christianity operate on fad.
The Supreme Court, Abortion, and Spiritual Warfare (Mar/April 1989) (Editorial)– What’s actually involved in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to review the abortion issue?
How to Deal with an Adversary (July/Aug 1989) — Oral Roberts went to Washington and what he learned there changed his mind, so he “smoked the peace pipe” with the IRS.
The End of the Discipleship Era (Jan/Feb 1990)— “Discipleship resulted in unhealthy submission resulting in perverse and unbiblical obedience to human leaders . . . For the injury and shame, I repent with sorrow and ask for your forgiveness.” — Bob Mumford