(Please allow time for the page to fully load) (These recordings are not yet in chronological order)
Testimony — Jamie shares his personal testimony of how he was first filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the earliest known recording of his testimony. (Charlotte, NC, September 24, 1970)
Living Life Without Limits — Without the Spirit of God we limit ourselves. Jamie shares five things we can do to not be caught up in the world’s systems and to live a life in the Spirit of God, a life without limits. (Pastor’s Fellowship Conference – Phoenix, AZ — September 30, 1988)
Overcoming Bad Beginnings — With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome bad beginnings. No matter how terrible our childhood was, God still has an ultimate plan for us. Jamie shares 3 things we can do to overcome our rough starts in life. (Eastside Foursquare Church, Bothell, WA — February 22, 1989)
Stand Firm in the Midst of Adversity — All throughout the scriptures we read of God’s people facing adversities. But through tough times God wants his people to stand firm. God doesn’t intend for his people to be crushed by problems. So when you are hit by circumstances in life, remember God doesn’t intend for you to stay down, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can and will rise back up. (Central Assembly, Vero Beach, Fla. October 7, 1987)
The teachings above this note are recently added.
Teachings below this note are in chronological order.
The Patience of Daniel — God blesses those who are willing to wait for Him and not take matters into their own hands. How impatient we are to get ahead of God. Daniel waited before the Lord. He was a man of great patience and God blessed him for it. Patience before the Lord is not easy, but it reaps great rewards. (Tape 1 of 4 from Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Bradenton, Florida — January 1974)
God Blesses our Specific Prayers — Our specific prayers are often answered by God, not by God increasing our indulgences, but by Him reducing our neediness. God knows the intent of our heart. He knows if we are praying with a greedy heart or if we are really planning to follow through on our commitments to Him, to love Him and obey His commandments. (Tape 2 of 4 from Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Bradenton, Florida — January 1974)
They Left Their Nets — We cannot bypass the foundational elements of what Jesus taught us simply because they seem hard. Jesus said we should love the Lord thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We must have our feet planted on the rock of Jesus Christ and put into practice the words and commands He gave us. (Tape 3 of 4 from Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Bradenton, Florida — January 1974)
(part 1)
(part 2)
The Lordship of Jesus — When you decide to follow Jesus, you voluntarily surrender the right to choose or the power to vary the consequences. Salvation is obedience to Jesus but we cannot follow Jesus on our terms. We can only follow Him by being totally committed to Him and on His terms. (Tape 4 of 4 from Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Bradenton, Florida — January 1974)
The Challenge of the Impossible — At a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship retreat on Jekyll Island, Georgia, Jamie shares how the church, God’s people, must be ready and willing to move when God moves. We must be willing to forego our traditions if that is what is holding us back from a deeper relationship with God. (Jekyll Island, Georgia, February 15, 1974)
My Story – Jamie shares his testimony and how he first came to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Jekyll Island, Georgia — February 17, 1974)
True and False Teachers — Jamie focuses on the warnings in the Bible regarding false teachers, yet how we as Christians must first learn to live in this world as Christ did — expressing agape love. (Tape 1 of 5 from St. Giles Presbyterian, Charlotte, NC — 1974)
Dominion — It is God’s intention that His people rule this planet and that includes having dominion over Satan. Jesus came to restore to us the dominion we once had in the Garden, over all the things in and of this world. (Tape 2 of 5 from St. Giles Presbyterian, Charlotte, NC — 1974)
Deception — Satan is seeking to deceive us so we can be led away from God’s will in our lives. Using Psalm 19 Jamie gives 6 standards on how to escape the deceptions of Satan. (Tape 3 (parts 1 and 2) of 5 from St. Giles Presbyterian, Charlotte, NC — 1974)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
Inner Healing — God wants us to be whole – not only physically whole but whole in our inner person, our mind and psychological self. We are not bound by our experiences or our ancestry. God can reach into our subconscious and heal our past hurts. (Tape 4 of 5 from St. Giles Presbyterian, Charlotte, NC — 1974)
Talk About Tongues — God wants each of us to be empowered by the filling of his Holy Spirit, just as Jesus was. Jamie shares his testimony of his first experience with the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues. (Tape 5 of 5 from St. Giles Presbyterian, Charlotte, NC — 1974)
The New Wine — The scriptures tell us, in the last days, there will be an increasing polarization between the spiritual and the carnal. There will be a great falling away but also the Holy Spirit will fall on all flesh and we are seeing evidence of that today. (Tape 1 of 2 – Lake Junaluska, NC — August 15, 1975)
The Dark Pit — Jamie discusses the need for ministers of God to be filled with the Holy Spirit at a Methodist minister’s conference at Lake Junaluska, Tenn. He shares about his own difficulties attempting to serve God in his own strength, then how his life, and ministry, was radically changed once he came into the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Tape 2 of 2 – Lake Junaluska, NC — August 16, 1975)
How to Handle the Future — Unity in the body of Christ is vital for evangelizing the world. Teaching from John 17:20-23, Jamie impresses the importance of the body of Christ coming into a covenant relationship with one another as did the early churches in the New Testament. (Non-denominational Conference on Charismatic Renewal, Kansas City — 1977)
When Your Prayers Go Unanswered — Jamie shares what we as Christians are to do when it turns out that God’s plans for our life are different from our hopes or our dreams for our life. What does the Bible say about facing reality? What do the scriptures tell us about trials and tribulations that we all experience? What happens when things go wrong? How do we overcome the great disappointments in life? (Tulsa Christian Fellowship, Tulsa, OK — September 4, 1977) Get the booklet based on this sermon here!
Abiding in Love — Jamie speaks at New York’s Shea Stadium to a group gathered by Mike Evan of Bnai Yeshua. He asks us to ponder five key questions, the answers to which will tell us a great deal about who we are as Christians and where we stand spiritually. (New York, NY — 1978)
The High Calling — Jamie shares with multiple points, ways to claim the high calling of God. If you will put these things into practice you will walk away with your head high; depression will go, fear and anxiety will fall away, and you will know who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ. (National Catholic Charismatic Conference for Young People, Steubenville, Ohio — 1978)
The Person of God Our Father — Jamie teaches from his experiences with his own earthly father and relates how we, too, can have a close relationship with our heavenly Father. He goes on to teach that though we can be proud of our earthly heritage we can also be caught up in bondage to it. Instead, as Christians our new heritage is traced only to our Heavenly Father and we should be taking on His characteristics. (Piedmont Prayer Retreat, High Point, NC – October 21, 1978)
Guides to Successful Living – Jamie speaks at the “Jesus ’79” gathering in Orlando, Fla. He discusses how to deal with feelings of rejection and how God desires to fulfill the dreams of our heart. “Whoever receives a call from God to high service,” he states, “must renounce whatever has formed him.” (Jesus ’79 Festival, Orlando, Florida — March 27, 1979)
Staff of Authority — Using Moses as his example, Jamie teaches on taking the staff of authority and how we must hear God on a daily bases and not rely solely on ancient traditions for our direction. The Holy Spirit empowers us to take spiritual authority over every area of our life and that authority begins with self-discipline and obedience to God. (Jesus ’79 Festival, Orlando, Florida — Closing evening session — March 29, 1979)
Pulling up the Bitter Root — Speaking to a gathering in Phoenix, Jamie shares on the principle that if you are going to be effective as a Christian, you must have a clean heart, without bitterness toward anyone. If you have bitterness or forgiveness, God will give you the ability to forgive that person and pull up that bitter root which entangles you. (Phoenix, AZ — 1983)
Be A Witness — We are all called to give testimony as to what God has done in our lives. Not everyone is required to be an evangelists, but all Christians are called to testify to the goodness of God. He has placed you where you are in order to be a witness for Jesus, to testify what you have seen and share your experiences so others may know God as well. (Grace Baptist, High Point, NC., — February 22, 1983)
Homesick for God — Jamie speaks to a group at a Camp Farthest Out (CFO) in Wilmington, N.C. — Every Christian yearns for the courts of God, the things of God. Even though we have never been there, we are homesick for heaven because of our relationship with God the Father. (Wilmington, NC — May 4, 1984)
The Joy of Salvation — There won’t be any joy in our lives unless the originator of joy, the Holy Spirit, is living and functioning in us. Without the Joy of the Lord, all we do is present condemnation and self-righteousness to others. But a Spirit-filled person is an attractive person and people gravitate to them. It’s the joy-filled Christian that will attract people to Jesus and make them want to know Christ. (Liberty Church, Pensacola, Fla. — September 30, 1984)
Creative Conflicts — Jamie states that in the life of the Christian we live our life on three levels: the achieving mode, the relational mode, and the being or personal mode. God has designed our life for each of these levels, or modes, to be lived in balance with each other, and there is a danger if we live exclusively in one or the other. (Liberty Church, Pensacola, Florida — October 2, 1984)
Draw Near to Jesus — Jamie shares from his heart on some issues facing his home church in Florida. He then moves to discuss the importance of remaining transparent and being accountable to God. (Tape 1 of 2 from Eastside Foursquare Church, Bothell, Wash., May 1987)
Who is Unworthy to Minister — Jamie touches on the sensitive issue of what disqualifies a person from ministry. In 1987 several key Christian leaders were scandalized. Did the church react in a Godly way, or were we overly judgmental? Jamie touches on the issue of bitterness in our hearts as he teaches from Acts 8 and the story of Simon the Sorcerer. (Tape 2 of 2 from Eastside Foursquare Church, Bothell, Wash., May 1987)
Your Shadow Ministry — As you look back across your life you will likely recall people who have let their shadow fall on you. Because of them you are who you are today. As you use your giftings for the Lord’s service, your shadow is falling on untold numbers of others, and God is healing and blessing them, not because you have physically touched any of them, but because you are being obedient to Him. (New Orleans Women’s Aglow Conference, am session — November 1987)
God is Shaking His Church — God wants us to be able to stand firm in times of adversity. He doesn’t want us to be crushed. And if we get knocked down He doesn’t intend for us to stay down. In the kingdom of God there is no such thing as a knockout blow. God’s people are always able to rise above adversity and the way we do it is by having the Holy Spirit inside of us. (New Orleans Women’s Aglow Conference, pm session — November 1987)
Laughing at Life — Jamie gets personal with fellow pastors as well as with himself saying, “It’s time for Christians to come out of the closet and admit that we are just like everybody else and laugh at ourselves just a little bit.” Jamie’s stories are funny, but they make a point. Like the parables of Jesus, each story is with purpose, and a little bit of humor. (James Robison Evangelistic Association, Ft. Worth, TX — 1989) (Get the booklet based on this sermon here!)
How Dreams Come True — Jamie teaches on the desires of our heart and how God wants to fulfill our dreams, as long as they are in line with His will for our lives. He also discusses the first steps to becoming like Jesus. (Tape 1 of 4 in the series from Graceland Baptist Church, New Albany, Indiana — April 1990) (Get the book based on these tapes – A Spirit Led Life)
Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit — Jamie shares his own personal experiences when he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time while researching his first book, Run Baby Run, with Nicky Cruz, in New York and then later in Washington, D.C. in the late 1960s. (Tape 2 of 4 in the series from Graceland Baptist Church, New Albany, Indiana — April 1990) (Get the book based on these tapes – A Spirit Led Life)
The Cry of the Wild Goose — Jamie relates Kierkegaard’s story of barnyard geese and teaches on our need to be willing to have enough faith to leave the barnyard of tradition and fly with God, who has placed dreams of spiritual adventure in our hearts. (Tape 3 of 4 in the series from Graceland Baptist Church, New Albany, Indiana — April 1990)(Get the book based on these tapes – A Spirit Led Life)
New Wineskins — Jamie concludes his time with Graceland Baptist Church by teaching that God is stretching His kingdom and He wants us, requires us, to be flexible enough to move with Him. He will not pour new wine into old wineskins. We must change, be filled with His Holy Spirit, in order to move with God. (Tape 4 of 4 in the series from Graceland Baptist Church, New Albany, Indiana — April 1990) (Get the book based on these tapes – A Spirit Led Life)