Jamie teaches on the healing that is available to all of us while telling the story of Paul and Barnabas healing a lame man in Acts 14. Paul and Barnabas were stoned for teaching God’s Word. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” Jamie says. It is far more important to be obedient to God than to try to stay alive.
Topic: Acts (Book of Acts Series)
Acts Chapter 13
In this teaching from Acts Chapter 13, Jamie discusses the situation surrounding Paul and Barnabas being sent off on what becomes their first missionary journey. On the trip, Saul begins to call himself Paul. His trip to Cyprus was critical because in this place, after 14 years, Paul stepped out with the authority and mantle of God upon him.
Acts Chapter 12
Jamie teaches through Acts Chapter 12. In this chapter, Peter was in jail about to be executed, but God sent an angel to rescue him. Also, King Herod received harsh judgement for taking glory from God. The worst of all sins, Jamie says, is taking credit for something God has done. Also, whenever there is persecution, the Word of God and the church always increase and spread.
Acts Chapter 11
Jamie teaches on Acts Chapter 11 and Peter’s experience with fundamentalist Jews who were angered by his association with uncircumcised Gentiles. But Peter and his six witnesses testified to the fact that the Gentiles were being filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are not excited about Jesus, Jamie says, you need a dose of the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 9
Jamie shares from Acts Chapter 9 about Saul’s Damascus Road encounter with the Lord and his conversion from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. He also discusses Saul’s filling with the Holy Spirit three days later and notes it was a separate experience. The Word of God teaches that there is an experience beyond your initial conversion, where you not only call Jesus Lord but are also filled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 8
In this study of Acts Chapter 8, Jamie explains how persecution in the church brings out the character-building aspects of the Holy Spirit. He talks about Simon the sorcerer, who thought he could profit from being spiritual. Jamie says he fears for people who attend church because they think they can profit monetarily from the relationships there. The church is not a place to build our own kingdoms. Our motives must be pure.
Acts Chapter 6
The Book of Acts reveals how the body of Christ should be flowing together. In this study of Acts Chapter 6, Jamie explains how a need in the body does not necessarily constitute a call by God. We must hear from God in all things. But then we must obey, and the blessings of God will follow. Even if we fail to obey, there is no condemnation, because we are sons and daughters of God. He forgives and overcomes our failures. He uses our mistakes to create something glorious.
Acts Chapter 5 (Part 2 of 2)
Covering the text in the last part of Acts Chapter 5, Jamie states that simply presenting the Word of God will not bring power to the church. It must be accompanied by unity in the church through the Holy Spirit. Unity in the church brings forth the power of God. Also, preserving our physical life is not our ultimate goal. Our goal is obedience to God.
Acts Chapter 5 (Part 1 of 2)
In this study of the last few verses of Acts Chapter 4 and the opening 14 verses of Acts Chapter 5, Jamie discusses the sin of Ananias and Sapphira and Peter’s response to their lying to the Holy Spirit. Their lying resulted in their sudden deaths. How can a loving God be so harsh? It is up to God how He deals with sin in each of our lives. He knows our true hearts. If He controls your life, He controls every aspect of it.
Acts Chapter 1 (Part 3 of 3)
Covering Acts 1:12-26, Jamie discusses the apostles’ decision to replace Judas with Mathias and their apparent impatience when it came to His command to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 1 (Part 2 of 3)
Focusing on Acts 1:8, Jamie reemphasizes Jesus’ last words to the disciples. The purpose of the coming of the Holy Spirit is so we can have power to witness to the world. Jamie teaches, “You are where you are so Christ can be there. God wants you where He has you to be His witness.”
Acts Chapter 1 (Part 1 of 3)
This is the first in a series of studies Jamie taught on various chapters in the Book of Acts. This teaching covers Acts 1:1-11 and includes the ascension of Jesus and His command for His disciples to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 4
Only the person who is prayed-up can hear correctly from God, Jamie says in this teaching from Acts Chapter 4. If we want miracles in our lives, we need to be in touch with God on a minute-by-minute basis. Then will we be able to know God’s heart and be able to pray as God directs us to pray. The only thing that is really important is the kingdom of God, and God is in charge of His kingdom. God desires a relationship with us–one that is open and honest and lasting.