The Bitter Cannot Minister

Jamie relates experiences in his life that fostered resentment towards his mother and shares how he learned the importance of forgiveness.

A Ring for Your Finger

From the parable of the prodigal son, Jamie draws lessons on God’s forgiveness. God has a special place in His heart for those who have “thrown it all away.” He is ready and eagerly waiting for our return.

Failed But Not a Failure

Jamie teaches about Jesus’ disciple John Mark and how his early failures were forgiven as his life was transformed by God.

Forgiveness (Part 1)

God has called each of us for a divine purpose. It’s our reason for being alive. But we may never experience that purpose unless we learn to forgive. Our purpose is to allow the love of God to flow through us out into a hurting world. But it will only come to pass as we open our hearts to others by forgiveness. As you forgive others the love of God will flow through you.

Forgiveness (Part 2)

God has called each of us for a divine purpose. It’s our reason for being alive. But we may never experience that purpose unless we learn to forgive. Our purpose is to allow the love of God to flow through us out into a hurting world. But it will only come to pass as we open our hearts to others by forgiveness. As you forgive others the love of God will flow through you.

Forgiveness of the Inner Person

There are some things that God is extremely interested in. One of them is our willingness to forgive others. Forgiveness is also the key to inner healing. Forgiveness that does not manifest itself in love is not real forgiveness.

The Nature of God

A study of the book of Hosea. Jamie reveals 3 principles from the great love story between Hosea and Gomer. Hosea wanted to communicate God’s love for his people. Little did he know it would involve marrying a common prostitute to reveal the nature of God.

We Must Go Back to Bethel

Jamie teaches on the story of Jacob and how, like Jacob, if we want God’s blessings restored in our lives, we must “return to our Bethel” and dwell with the Lord. He is just and will forgive us.

When A Christian Takes Advantage of You

What do you do when a Christian betrays you or just plain take advantage of you? It may be someone you have entrusted with your money, or your love, or anything else you might have given them that has value to you. Jamie shares from his own experiences and lists a number of principles we should put into action to address these kinds of situations.