Overcoming Adversity

So many of us are disappointed with our lives. We’ve had to settle for “something less.” But perhaps that “something less” is God’s “something more”–more than you could have ever dreamed or desired. God puts certain difficulties, certain weights, on us for our good. What we achieve in character is achieved through conflict.

Change Your Bent

In this Father’s Day message, Jamie teaches that even though we are the way we are, we don’t have to stay that way. God can help us overcome our bad beginnings by the renewing of our mind and the changing of our nature.

Sunday Morning Teaching

We all go through times of trouble — pits in our lives. Jamie explains that God has a purpose for each of us, and the pits and struggles we experience are designed to help reveal that good purpose.

Stand Firm in the Midst of Adversity

All throughout the scriptures we read of God’s people facing adversities. But through tough times God wants his people to stand firm. God doesn’t intend for his people to be crushed by problems. So when you are hit by circumstances in life, remember God doesn’t intend for you to stay down, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can and will rise back up.

Standing Strong in Adversity

Jamie declares that even though tough times may come, the Christian is to stand firm, learning the secrets of being flexible as the winds of adversity blow, and always trust only God. In this tape he shares the story of his car exploding but miraculously no one was permanently injured.

The Inside of the Kingdom

Jamie looks closely at the godly lessons from the book of Haggai and comes away with three keys for dealing with adversity in the life of a Christian: 1) determine the spiritual force behind the adversity; 2) do we really want God in our life or are we just hoping for relief; and 3) if you want God, what are the keys to coming into His presence.

What to do in (Times of) a Crisis

Our lives are shaped by the traumatic things that happen to us and by our reaction to those situations. Jamie shares 5 keys to help get us through traumatic times, times of crisis, as we learn to handle the unfair experiences of life.

When God Withdraws

Taking lessons from the book of Haggai, Jamie discusses how we as Christians should respond when we find ourselves in times of adversity. He tells us to first determine if it is God or Satan causing the adversity. Then he cautions us to be very careful when blaming Satan for adversity in the life of a Christian because nothing happens to us unless it first flows through the loving hands of God.

Airborne with God

All pilots know that it is the head winds that assist with a plane getting off the ground. The same applies in our spiritual lives. Often it is the contrary winds that lift us up off the ground and get us moving.

God is Shaking His Church

God wants us to be able to stand firm in times of adversity. He doesn’t want us to be crushed. And if we get knocked down He doesn’t intend for us to stay down. In the kingdom of God there is no such thing as a knockout blow. God’s people are always able to rise above adversity and the way we do it is by having the Holy Spirit inside of us.