How should we respond to seemingly impossible circumstances in our lives? Jamie addresses this question by looking at the example of Gideon, whom God used mightily in what seemed to be an impossible situation.
Topic: Trusting God
The Grandfather Clock (The Weights of Life)
Jamie teaches on looking at life from the perspective of eternity and how God often places weights on each of us in order to develop a dependence on Him.
The Land that has no Paths
There is no map or chart for any of us to follow in this life. It is like a land with no paths. All we have is God’s word and his presence. That’s the only chart we have. If we will put our hand in the hand of Jesus, he will walk with us, step by step, guiding us throughout our life.
Trusting God
How do you trust God? You start by listening and by clearing your mind of previous ideas. Jamie then goes into four specific things he has learned about trusting God and leaning not to his own understanding.
Unproductive Times
Jamie teaches on not becoming discouraged during the unproductive times or the fruitless seasons of our lives.
Except the Lord Build
Psalm 127 shows us God’s perspective: Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. How much of what we do is in vain because it is done for the wrong motivations?
Really. Where is Your Trust?
When you place your trust in God alone, you will never be disappointed. God will not let you down. People on the other hand are not to be trusted. They are to be loved, but our trust is reserved for God.
Relinquishment of Control
There is something in each of us that says we can run our own life better than God can. Yet, the call of God to his people is the call of the shepherd to his sheep. We are to humble ourselves before him, go where he tells us to go, do what he tells us to do, and be who he tells us to be. Jamie also teaches on the purpose of giving and tithing.
Relinquishment of Control
There is something in each of us that says we can run our own life better than God can. Yet, the call of God to his people is the call of the shepherd to his sheep. We are to humble ourselves before him, go where he tells us to go, do what he tells us to do, and be who he tells us to be. Jamie also teaches on the purpose of giving and tithing.
Take the Offensive
This is Jamie’s last message before undergoing major surgery to remove his cancerous kidney. We must stay under God’s covering, he said, walk with Him in obedience. We are to resist the devil by taking the offensive, not allowing Satan to be the one to call the shots.