We must expect God to shake His church. Our challenge is to lay down everything ungodly. Because if we don’t lay it down, God may just will forcefully remove it. God doesn’t want people building their own kingdoms. He wants people who are willing to build the kingdom of God.
Location: Tabernacle Church, Melbourne, FL
Going Through the Rapids
Jamie gets honest regarding some of his failings in dealing properly with issues and transitions in the body of the Tabernacle Church. He asks the church to hang on as we run the rapids because God is preparing something great and wonderful ahead. He uses the book of Joel to draw comparisons and make his points.
It’s Not Easy to be a Tree
Jamie teaches from Joshua 1:13 and the new things of God. When God brings us into a new dimension of our life, He gives us rest, and peace and with that comes the expectation of change.
Keep Your Fountain Flowing
God has given us the fountain of life. However, it is in the spiritual realm. You can’t see it, taste it or smell it. But if your fountain is not clean, it can stop flowing and grow stagnant. Jamie identifies several issues that can block your spiritual fountain from flowing.
The Crossover Life
Jamie teaches how in our Christian life we, like the children of Israel crossing into Jordan, have similar experiences, and we can never go back to the way we used to be. We must continue to change, grow and move forward. When we decide to follow Jesus, there is no turning back
Transition by Power
As we come to the end of something, the year, a day, a relationship, or anything else, the only way you can receive the power of God to move on is by looking forward and not looking back.
You are Fast Becoming What You Already Are (Creases)
People don’t really change just because they grow older. Instead, they emerge. Who they really are is magnified with age. You are what you are to the day you die, unless, somewhere along the way to old age, you are changed. Jesus will change you and forgive you of your sinful attitudes. Otherwise, you will always be who you are now.
Be Who You Are
In a Father’s Day message and using Jonah as an example, Jamie says “our purpose on earth is to be made into the image of Jesus. When you understand that, you understand that everything that happens to you has a purpose — to conform you to the image of Christ.”
Conforming to the Image of God’s Son
God wants to do something incredible in our lives. He wants to burn out of us everything that is not pure. He wants us to be conformed to the image of Jesus.
Having the Character of Christ
The essence of our Christian life is growing in the character of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit working in us and He will do this for us, indeed, but we have to cooperate with Him. Plus, we must be informed and know what He intends to do so we won’t become discouraged when He uses some strange method to grow us up in His character.
50 Years of Quality
On his 50th birthday, Jamie teaches on what he feels God expects from him for the rest of his life. This includes 5 specific applications that include prayer, excellence, discipline, vision and above all else, pleasing our Father in Heaven.
Authentic Christianity
God is calling us to be authentic. He is calling His Church to be real, not like the Pharisees who were hypocrites, pretending to be righteous when actually their hearts were full of evil. If you truly want to be real it can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise you live as a fake, a fraud, pretending you are something you are not.
Gold Medal Christians
God is calling us into excellence. If you are baptized in the Holy Spirit you have no excuse not to operate in excellence—with your body, your job, your devotional life, your family. God wants us to be gold medal Christians, to do the best with what we have on the racetrack that stretches out in front of us.
Half-baked Christians
How easy is it to not turn over every aspect of our life to Christ, or worse, to go backwards. You may appear good and righteous on one side, but look behind you. You are half-baked. You have failed to expose all sides of your life to the fire of the Holy Spirit.
How Do You Smell?
According to the scriptures, we are the fragrance of life or of death and it all depends on the person who smells us. We give off an odor to everyone we meet. We have a specific fragrance which others notice and it comes from something way down deep in our spirit.
How to be a Christian in a Godless Society (How to Deal with the World)
As Christians on this earth we are in the midst of a godless society. All the world around us is under Satan’s power and his control. But we have a balm in the presence of the Holy Spirit and we can live in this world in victory and with joy. Let’s be very careful we don’t become judgmental but show forgiveness and the love of Christ to this fallen world.
The Circular Quality of Life
In this Mother’s Day message, Jamie tells us not to be worried about the daily grinds and routines of life. It is circular, but God is building character and purpose in us all.
Abiding in the Shadow of the Almighty (It’s Weaning Time)
Jamie asks five foundational questions regarding your walk with the Lord, then he moves on to teach on what it means to abide in the shadow of the Almighty. God wants to bring us to the place where there is nothing else we need but his presence.
If God Lives in You
Because of Calvary we are co-heirs with Jesus and we bear the name of God. All he has is also ours to have.
Sandy Ruts or Rocky Growth
Jamie teaches why there must be movement in the kingdom of God and that Jesus Christ is our Solid Rock
An Altar and a Tent
Jamie teaches on Abraham and his one desire to only go where God sent him and do what Goe told him to do.
The Lord will Provide
Jamie teaches on the story of Abraham and God’s promise to his people through one man’s obedience.
Crossing into Jordan
Jamie teaches that God wants us to experience peace, joy and happiness now. We don’t have to wait to die but Jesus paid the price for us to have an abundant life today. So many of us cross the Jordan but are unwilling to step further into the Promised land we have been given. God’s promises are available today but we must be willing to take them and make them ours.
Who Are You?
In order to move forward with your relationship with God you must know two spiritual keys: 1, you must know who God is; and 2, you must know who you are. These things must be firmly planted in you mind for you to move forward and grow spiritually.
Who are You?
Miracles of Jesus
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Jamie speaks on the story of Zaccheaus and the fact that Jesus loves all people regardless of their shortcomings
The Balance of Law and Grace
Jesus said it’s the attitude of the heart that he is far more concerned with, not legalities like ceremonial activities or traditions. We may like our traditions, our ceremonies, and our “laws.” Yet, God never intended the Mosaic laws to be a bondage, and keeping them ritualistically is not the same as allowing the Holy Spirit to enter us and open our hearts for change.
Believe God
Physical healing is part of the atoning work of Jesus. Faith is believing that when God speaks He always speaks truth. If you believe what God says, then the promises of God are yours: Promises of healing and promises of prosperity. It shall be on earth as it is in heaven when we believe God.
Believing God
Just weeks after his cancer diagnosis, Jamie teaches what he heard from God. He states that we are not to give God orders. We are not to tell God what to do. Don’t claim healing, claim God. Want God only, then trust Him to do what He wants to do. God does not want to hurt us or scare us. Trust God and fear not.
I Believe God
We have a hard time believing God in this day and age. We hope and we wish, but that is not the same as believing God and believing in His faithfulness. Jesus taught us to come to him as would a little child, stand on the Word of God, and just believe.
Qualifications for Ministry
Who is fit or unfit for the ministry? Jamie talks about Simon the Sorcerer from Acts 8. Because of the bitterness in his heart he was rebuked by Peter and John and not allowed to minister. Even though he had become a Christian and was baptized, he still had bitterness and that is what disqualified him to minister.
A different Kingdom
We are part of the kingdom of God, breaking forth, and following our shepherd to minister to the world.
Called. Chosen. Controlled.
We are a chosen people, and the reason Jesus came to earth was to show us who we are and to call us out of darkness, into His wonderful light. To be chosen by God means to be controlled by God, it mean He is on the throne of our lives.
Handling and mishandling the Call of God
Jonah is a great example of how we can eith handle or mishandle the call of God on our life.
Kissing Frogs is Dangerous
Jamie states that the mission of the Christian is to kiss frogs, to bring into being, out of the unlikely, that which God has ordained in others. He then moves into several key lessons from Habakkuk and the freedom we have in trusting God. For God’s people there is always a glorious future.