Jamie teaches that we, as Christians, must understand prayer; because once we do, we will be more diligent in our prayer lives. He defines prayer as talking to God and listening as God speaks to us. Jamie then discusses ways to pray and ways for us to hear God.
Topic: Prayer
Prayer for the Nation
In this Bicentennial message, Jamie says that we must, as a country, return to God. In doing so, God will heal our land. God is hearing the prayers of His people. Jamie then leads the congregation in prayers for all levels of government.
God Teaches, We Share
Basing his message on Micah 4:2, Jamie says we should take time to hear from God and learn from what He teaches. Everything God gives us is for practical use, to teach us to walk in His path.
God’s Love Letters
Jamie hosts the PTL Club television show in the absence of Jim Bakker. Guests include pastors Tim Bagwell and Ed Cole.
Prayers in Time of War
Jamie talks about the prayers we need to be praying in a time of war (specifically, the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq).
Living by God’s Life
Jesus stands for us in the judgement court so we do not have to be called before the judge. He is our righteousness and our deliverer. He is our healer and our advocate. He has taken our place and secured our freedom from sin and death.
Supernatural People
As Christians we are a supernatural people. The problem is we still function on a natural level. We do things in the natural and only expect things to be done for us on the natural level. Which is why so many of our prayers go unanswered. God desires for us to see things and do things in the supernatural realm. He desires to answer our prayers and to bless us, supernaturally.
Acquiring the Presence of God
Our purpose on earth is to love God, enjoy his presence and allow him to enjoy us. He wants a relationship with us. That is his great desire. All we need to do is recognize him and participate in the presence of God through our prayer life.
Activating Angels
Jamie teaches how our prayers are activating agents to enlist the angels to fight spiritual battles on our behalf. Prayer is the key to successful spiritual battles.
God Blesses Our Specific Prayer
Our specific prayers are often answered by God, not by God increasing our indulgences, but by Him reducing our neediness. God knows the intent of our heart. He knows if we are praying with a greedy heart or if we are really planning to follow through on our commitments to Him, to love Him and obey His commandments.
Helpless but not Hopeless
Christians need to stop being so critical of each other. They should instead do as the scriptures instruct and pray for their brothers and sisters in Christ.
How to Win Through Prayer
Just two weeks after receiving his diagnosis of inoperable cancer, Jamie discusses how his new found understanding of prayer has given him the strength he needed to get through that tough time.
Keys to Answered Prayer
Jamie reveals 10 keys to answered prayer taken from the story of Hannah and her prayer for a son, found in 1 Samuel chapter 1.
Psalm 37
Jamie teaches on Psalm 37 and how God gives us the desires of our heart