Clay in the Potter’s Hands

Jamie teaches on being useable to God and being pliable as He molds and shapes us to be who He wants us to be in the Kingdom. “Being used by God means being willing to be changed by God, to progress and move with Him. The usable person is the one who is flexible.”

God’s Unusual People

Who does God use? God is not looking for perfect people. He is looking for yielded people to accomplish His desires and His will on this earth. Regardless of the vessel, God’s word will not return void or empty

High Calling — Vessels of Honor

God wants us to live a life of usefulness. We all have a dream that our life will count for something. A dream that we can do more than just merely exit. As Christians we have a high calling and we are to press on for whatever that may be, even to the point of suffering for Christ.


Our talents are given to us by God. He expects us to use these talents, invest them, multiple them, and in doing so he will rewards us. Not to use our talents, out of fear or for any other reason, will cause our Lord to be greatly displeased, even to the point of calling us wicked and lazy (Matt. 25:26)

What Are You Doing?

Jamie takes his teaching from Jesus’ parable in Luke 19 about the 10 minas. What are you doing with what God has given you? Are you putting your gifts to work for God or are you simply leaving them buried in the ground?

Who Does God Use?

God will use you in the service of his kingdom right where you are today. It doesn’t matter that you have never been used before. God will use you now, if you let him, if you are fully willing to be used by him. If you are not afraid but you are trusting. All you have to do is to present yourself usable, just the way you are