In this book taken from a sermon by Jamie Buckingham, Jamie addresses our human tendency to want to know what the future holds—not only for us, but also for our families, our churches, and our nation. God withholds this information on purpose, Jamie says. Why? Because if we know what is coming tomorrow, we will not do today what God is calling us to do today. What’s more, we will try to make the future happen in our own way and timing, rather than trusting God with the process. Of course, there are man-made “wind machines” out there, ready to tell us our future—often for the price of supporting their ministry. But according to Jamie, there are no prophets or prognosticators for the future—only weathervanes for the present. “Nobody knows where the wind, the Spirit of God, is blowing,” Jamie explains from Scripture. “Jesus said you cannot tell where it is going. Nobody knows. The best we can do is to hoist a weathervane and say, ‘This is the way the Spirit is blowing today.’” God wants us to walk by faith, not by sight. He has a great plan and purpose for our lives, individually and as the church of Jesus Christ, and He will bring His plans to pass. Are you ready to trust Him with your future?