Have you ever wondered what Disney World would be like if it were centered on Jesus instead of cartoon characters? Would it be a good thing? Or would there just be as much fantasy as any other theme park run by robotics and remote controls? Is it OK to make Jesus and his message more “entertaining” if people are converted in the process? Or is it better to simply follow the pattern of his life and his lifestyle, and make not just converts, but true disciples?
Jesus World, a novel, is a study of the differences between high profile Christianity, riddled with compromise yet justified by countless conversions, and simple Jesus-like discipleship. Can both exist side-by-side? Or will one overtake the other, in the name of God? Jesus World asks the question: Can man really improve on the ways of Jesus? Jesus World – Charisma – Nov. 1981 – The story rings true — too true. And, it has all the elements. A flashy charismatic preacher with a gift for communicating the Gospel over his national television program — a man so respected nationally his picture has appeared on the covers of both Time and Newsweek….But gradually the once tender-hearted evangelist with a passion for lost souls becomes consumed with bigness and with the mechanics of running his multi-million dollar business. He no longer has time for personal ministry. The task of winning souls is left to others…