Charisma - Dry Bones
3/1/79 - Thank God for Extremists
4/1/79 - God Still Has the Last Word
5/1/79 - Down With Disco
7/1/79 - On Being Sent Away from the Table
9/1/79 - Look Out World – I’m Me!
10/1/79 - Don’t Fear All Hallows’ Eve
12/1/79 - As 1979 Ends – The Junkman Cometh
1/1/80 - Confessions of a Tomato-Hater
3/1/80 - Acid Rain
4/1/80 - Moving from Pentecost to Gethsemane
5/1/80 - If Your Pastor Gets a Divorce
7/1/80 - Praying and Weeping for America
9/1/80 - “Our Parent Who Art in Heaven”
10/1/80 - Marks of Spiritual Maturity
11/1/80 - To Whom Does Christmas Belong?
1/1/81 - The New “Christian Right”
2/1/81 - Where There’s Smoke There’s Ire
3/1/81 - Who Defines ‘Correct Doctrine’?
4/1/81 - The USA and the ‘Old Lady’
5/1/81 - ‘Here Comes the Judge’
6/1/81 - Please Don’t Call Me Reverend
7/1/81 - Where Does Our Treasure Lie?
9/1/81 - Freedom to Probe
10/1/81 - The Real Power Runs Deep
11/1/81 - It’ll Never Sell in Peoria
12/1/81 - A Christmas Gift for Daddy B
1/1/82 - On Backhoes and Front-End Loaders