The Risk Factor (January 1989) – During my

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The Risk Factor (January 1989) – During my senior year in high school a group of women somewhere in the nation started a movement to have all competitive team sports — especially football — removed from public schools. Team sports, they complained, were too traumatic. Children, they argued, should not be led to believe their team could win, then suffer the trauma of losing. They should only play games where everyone wins…

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A Scout’s Honor (October 1989) – No book

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A Scout’s Honor (October 1989) – No book influenced my young life more than the Boy Scouts handbook. In it I found a wonderful world of semaphore flags, sheepshanks, clove hitches, lean-tos and reflector ovens. It was my personal guidebook from the time I was 12 until I was 16. It took me from Tenderfoot, through the exciting world of merit badges, all the way to the coveted rank of Eagle Scout…

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Giving Thanks (November 1989) – I stood in

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Giving Thanks (November 1989) – I stood in my den last August, stunned, watching my TV. There was Jim Bakker being half-dragged, half-led from his lawyer’s office in Charlotte. His hair disheveled, his shirt pulled out at the waist. His face anguished in fear. His wrists in handcuffs. His ankles in leg irons. Federal marshals put him into the backseat of a car where he collapsed. He was later driven to a federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, and committed to the psychiatric wing for evaluation…

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