Legacy (July 1990) – Shortly after my dad became a Christian, at age 62, he began looking around for things he could give away. Although he had been successful in his Florida business and in citrus agriculture, and had accumulated many things, giving became more important than getting. He spent the last 26 years of his life giving things away. He once told me his goal was to be like Job, also a successful businessman, who left this world as he entered it — owning nothing…
Buckingham Report
Charisma - Dry Bones
Charisma - Feature Articles
Charisma - The Last Word
Logos Journal - Feature Articles
Logos Journal - The Last Word
Ministries Today - Feature Articles
Ministries Today - Preview
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Misc. Magazine Articles by Jamie Buckingham
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Misc. Newspaper Articles by Jamie Buckingham
National Courier Columns
Obituaries, Memorials, and Tributes
Orlando Sentinel Perspective Columns
Palm Bay Post Columns
Tabernacle Church Trumpet
Vero Beach Press-Journal Columns