Jesus healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda. He has been lame for 38 years but could never get in the waters when they stirred. Jesus saw the man needed more than physical healing when he blamed others for his predicament. God wants us to find peace and adventure in everything we experience, for His glory.
Format: Full
Miracles Series (Part 6) – Dominion by Faith
Jesus demonstrated that just as He has dominion over the wind and waves, so do we as Christians have authority over nature and the world. But we must take the authority God has given us and utilize that dominion when necessary.
Miracles Series (Part 5) – The Miracle of Provision
During the Feast of Passover, Jesus attracted a huge crowd. As they gathered, Jesus performed an incredible miracle by feeding them all with merely five small bread loaves and two fish. The faith of a boy with a small gift fed a multitude of 5,000 .
Miracles Series (Part 4) – For the Forgiveness of Sins
In the story of the paralyzed man who was lowed through the roof to the feet of Jesus, we learn that Jesus wanted more for that man than just a healing. He wanted to forgive him of his sins. This sparked a great debate among the Pharisees who were present.
Miracles Series (Part 3) – Power for Deliverance
Part 3 of Miracles Series. Jamie discusses the miracle of deliverance from demons and how we need to maintain a lifestyle of prayer and fasting to be successful. We need to remember that we have authority over demons, and that authority only comes from God.
Miracles Series (Part 2) – The Blind Man Now Sees
Part 2 of Miracles Series. Jesus heals the man blind from birth. His blindness was not because of his or his parents’ sin, but so God could be given the glory.
A Failure Story
Jamie shares his testimony. He shares how he had learned to depend on his education instead of trusting God. He had learned the tedium of trying to do God’s work without God’s power. Only after receiving the Holy Spirit did his life turn around.
Jamie discusses the spiritual aspects of speaking in tongues. It is a gift from God, and He desires us to use it often to communicate with Him. Tongues is man speaking to God, using a prayer language we cannot comprehend–but God can.
Take Back the Land
Our churches need to be the model of the kingdom of God. Instead, more and more, they reflect the culture around us. We run the church like corporate industry, rather than on God’s pleasure. Jamie goes on to talk about the things he has committed himself to for the rest of his life. He says that as Christians, we should each find something worth dying for and give ourselves to it.
How to Stay Under God’s Protective Covering
Just because God blessed something in the past is no guarantee of what He will do in the future. More important than seeing the promises of God fulfilled is having a relationship with God. Don’t stand on the promises. Stand on the Lord. Jamie offers four things we can do to stay in the will of God.
Inner Healing Series (Part 3)
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. We can have happiness and abundance in life. We can move from the place where we are to the place where God wants us to be. Jesus came so we could be a reflection of Him to the world. Nothing can stand in the way of what God intends for us.
Inner Healing Series (Part 2)
We all have issues from our past that still affect us. How do we deal with these things? What can we do about them? We allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our every thought so we can glorify God the Father.
Inner Healing Series (Part 1)
Dreams give us insight into our most inner concerns and fears. Dreams are a mirror of our soul. Yet, our warfare is on a spiritual level and we can take captive each thought, each dream, and give them to Christ. He will transform us by the renewing of our minds, and our minds are renewed through the filling of the Holy Spirit.
The mercy and grace of God is balanced by responsibility. Grace is free. But it is not given without a corresponding call for action on our part. We need to learn about God so we can treat others like God treats us. His grace is available, but it comes with a response and a responsibility on our part in order to experience God’s fullness in our life.
Forgiveness and Service
God wants us to be as forgiving toward others as He is forgiving toward us. He wants us to have a positive attitude toward others. Our attitude indicates the level of our spirituality. We are to show love but also be responsible in our sharing and giving.
There are methods to communicate the love of God. It is through these methods that we can effectively get our messages from God across to others. As we communicate, we need to be aware of how people hear us. Many will judge the message based on what they have heard in the past, based on their prejudices. How you say something is as important as what you say.
Pentecost for Today
The Holy Spirit has been given to us all, if we will only believe and accept Him. He was not just for the early church but for us today. The Holy Spirit comes into us, and suddenly we are infused with the power of God. No longer do we live without power. He will be with us always.
You are not here by accident if you a member of the kingdom of God. You are where you are by divine purpose, and you are there to be an instrument of the Lord. The kingdom is being restored, and God is raising up people with freedom of worship and praise.
Tongues to Touch God
Jamie testifies about his experience with the gift of tongues. He then goes through the Scriptures that relate to the gift of tongues. You don’t have to speak in tongues. You get to. It’s not the evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit. It’s a consequence.
The Name of Jesus
Jamie speaks of the power that is in the name of Jesus. But it’s not enough to just say His name; we must know Him. Nor is it enough to speak a formula prayer; we must be in tune with God the Father. With the name of Jesus, we are victorious.
A gathering of Christians and Jews, where Jamie is speaking, is disrupted by 6 or 7 members of the Jewish Defense League who storm the platform. In order to get them to leave peacefully, their leader is allowed to speak to the congregation for five minutes. Afterwards, Jamie says our enemy is not the people who are trying to disrupt the gathering; rather, this is spiritual warfare. Jamie concludes by stating we are people of love. God is calling us to be healers and forgivers, not sword swingers. (The disruption is edited out, but the 5-minute talk by the JDL student leader is left in for context.)
Spiritual House Cleaning
How do we deal with the hurts from our past? Jamie encourages us to make a number of lists, including the things we don’t like or of the hurts we have experienced. Then he reveals how we are to deal with these issues. God is calling us to sweep our houses clean and be refilled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 14
Jamie teaches on the healing that is available to all of us while telling the story of Paul and Barnabas healing a lame man in Acts 14. Paul and Barnabas were stoned for teaching God’s Word. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” Jamie says. It is far more important to be obedient to God than to try to stay alive.
Acts Chapter 13
In this teaching from Acts Chapter 13, Jamie discusses the situation surrounding Paul and Barnabas being sent off on what becomes their first missionary journey. On the trip, Saul begins to call himself Paul. His trip to Cyprus was critical because in this place, after 14 years, Paul stepped out with the authority and mantle of God upon him.
Acts Chapter 12
Jamie teaches through Acts Chapter 12. In this chapter, Peter was in jail about to be executed, but God sent an angel to rescue him. Also, King Herod received harsh judgement for taking glory from God. The worst of all sins, Jamie says, is taking credit for something God has done. Also, whenever there is persecution, the Word of God and the church always increase and spread.
Acts Chapter 11
Jamie teaches on Acts Chapter 11 and Peter’s experience with fundamentalist Jews who were angered by his association with uncircumcised Gentiles. But Peter and his six witnesses testified to the fact that the Gentiles were being filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are not excited about Jesus, Jamie says, you need a dose of the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 9
Jamie shares from Acts Chapter 9 about Saul’s Damascus Road encounter with the Lord and his conversion from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. He also discusses Saul’s filling with the Holy Spirit three days later and notes it was a separate experience. The Word of God teaches that there is an experience beyond your initial conversion, where you not only call Jesus Lord but are also filled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 8
In this study of Acts Chapter 8, Jamie explains how persecution in the church brings out the character-building aspects of the Holy Spirit. He talks about Simon the sorcerer, who thought he could profit from being spiritual. Jamie says he fears for people who attend church because they think they can profit monetarily from the relationships there. The church is not a place to build our own kingdoms. Our motives must be pure.
Acts Chapter 6
The Book of Acts reveals how the body of Christ should be flowing together. In this study of Acts Chapter 6, Jamie explains how a need in the body does not necessarily constitute a call by God. We must hear from God in all things. But then we must obey, and the blessings of God will follow. Even if we fail to obey, there is no condemnation, because we are sons and daughters of God. He forgives and overcomes our failures. He uses our mistakes to create something glorious.
Acts Chapter 5 (Part 2 of 2)
Covering the text in the last part of Acts Chapter 5, Jamie states that simply presenting the Word of God will not bring power to the church. It must be accompanied by unity in the church through the Holy Spirit. Unity in the church brings forth the power of God. Also, preserving our physical life is not our ultimate goal. Our goal is obedience to God.
Acts Chapter 5 (Part 1 of 2)
In this study of the last few verses of Acts Chapter 4 and the opening 14 verses of Acts Chapter 5, Jamie discusses the sin of Ananias and Sapphira and Peter’s response to their lying to the Holy Spirit. Their lying resulted in their sudden deaths. How can a loving God be so harsh? It is up to God how He deals with sin in each of our lives. He knows our true hearts. If He controls your life, He controls every aspect of it.
Acts Chapter 1 (Part 3 of 3)
Covering Acts 1:12-26, Jamie discusses the apostles’ decision to replace Judas with Mathias and their apparent impatience when it came to His command to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts Chapter 1 (Part 2 of 3)
Focusing on Acts 1:8, Jamie reemphasizes Jesus’ last words to the disciples. The purpose of the coming of the Holy Spirit is so we can have power to witness to the world. Jamie teaches, “You are where you are so Christ can be there. God wants you where He has you to be His witness.”
Acts Chapter 1 (Part 1 of 3)
This is the first in a series of studies Jamie taught on various chapters in the Book of Acts. This teaching covers Acts 1:1-11 and includes the ascension of Jesus and His command for His disciples to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The Rhema Word of God
The written word of God is Logos. When it is spoken, it is Rhema. We can hear in our hearts the Rhema word of God. He gives us a pure, indisputable language through His Holy Spirit, and He will speak to us using that pure language written on our hearts.
The Most Important Thing
In this Palm Sunday teaching, Jamie says we should all be making a relationship with Jesus the most important thing in our life. If Jesus doesn’t change your life, it will never change. Go to Him and ask Him until it is changed. Stop going to people to solve your problems. Go to the cross.
Overcoming Adversity
So many of us are disappointed with our lives. We’ve had to settle for “something less.” But perhaps that “something less” is God’s “something more”–more than you could have ever dreamed or desired. God puts certain difficulties, certain weights, on us for our good. What we achieve in character is achieved through conflict.
Going Through Crisis
The church is moving into the time of its greatest crisis, and we must have spiritual reserves. Do you have not only oil in your lamp but an extra jar of oil as well? It’s not enough to know the deeper things of God; we must be able to love each other and display God’s character, even in difficult times.
Follow the Spirit of God, Not the World
Worldliness is focusing on the things of time rather than things eternal. We must learn to live in this world without becoming like the world.
How I Met the Lord
The Word of God is many things, including the testimony we speak to others. Many of us are not sure how we can serve God. But all of us can share our faith and testimony, and in doing that, we are serving the Lord.
Ministry and Healing
This teaching begins with a discussion about ministry and healing. Jamie states that there are those who need help, and there are those who have the ability to help. Then he lists three books he read in high school that helped direct his life. The recording ends abruptly mid-service.
Introduction to Prayer
Jamie teaches that we, as Christians, must understand prayer; because once we do, we will be more diligent in our prayer lives. He defines prayer as talking to God and listening as God speaks to us. Jamie then discusses ways to pray and ways for us to hear God.
Jamie teaches that only God has the right to forgive sins. But what is sin? It is a state of being in rebellion against God. Sin is not so much something you do as it is something you are. It is not a sickness. Time does not provide forgiveness. You must repent of your sinful nature.
Servant Attitude
Jamie discusses the need for true servants in the kingdom of God. You can’t pick at the sins of others or be overly concerned with your own image. Jamie lists several basic steps you can take towards spiritual self-acceptance.
Crisis with Purpose
According to Jamie, crisis is God’s way of conforming us to the image of Jesus. How are we to respond to the various things that happen to us that we don’t like? Jamie lists four things that crisis accomplishes in our lives.
Getting Off at the Wrong Place
God’s great desire is to form us so that we have our godly dreams fulfilled. A key to having our dreams fulfilled is being where God wants us to be. Have we gotten off at the wrong stop on our journey with Him? The call of God is a call to movement. We must not be satisfied staying where we are when God wants us to move on with Him.
How to Listen to a Sermon
With his unique and characteristic humor, Jamie discusses the art of listening to a sermon. The purpose of teaching is not the transfer of truth from the speaker to you as the listener; it is the opening of your mind and heart so the Holy Spirit can transfer truth from the heart of God into your heart. “It’s not what I say that is important,” Jamie asserts. “It’s what God is saying to you.”
Discipleship in the Home
A lifestyle of worship and Christlike interpersonal communication begins in the home. Healing and ministry begin in the home. If we don’t put these things into practice in our homes, God will not allow us to minister effectively elsewhere. When a family comes into wholeness together, they minister health to others around them.
Jamie lists three things Jesus called His disciples to do in the Sermon on the Mount in order to be His true followers: give, pray, and fast as the Lord leads. The call of God is a call to a full and complete walk with Him.
Imparting the Mantle
One week following the death of his father, Jamie discusses the process of death and dying for a Christian, and what becomes of our soul and spirit. We don’t take anything with us; but that which we have laid up for ourselves in heaven is our eternal treasure.
Spiritual Warfare
In this teaching, Jamie discusses the finer points of spiritual warfare. Jesus is very specific in asserting that we have an enemy. If we don’t acknowledge this, we are fools. But if we resist the enemy, he will flee from us. In God’s hands, we are mighty instruments in the fight against the kingdom of darkness. Jamie then lists four things we must do to be successful in spiritual warfare.
The Narrow Gate
God honors His promises to us, and He expects us to honor our promises to Him. We cannot play games with God. He takes us at our word. He will change our lives as we choose to be like Jesus and follow Him.
The Potter’s Wheel
When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, you voluntarily surrender the right to choose or the power to vary the consequences of that decision. He is Lord. God does not give us revelation first; He waits for our obedience. The closer you get to God, the more you will have to depend on Him.
Prayer for the Nation
In this Bicentennial message, Jamie says that we must, as a country, return to God. In doing so, God will heal our land. God is hearing the prayers of His people. Jamie then leads the congregation in prayers for all levels of government.
The Church
What is the church? How are we, as members of the church, supposed to relate to the world without becoming a part of the world? The closer you get to the cross, the narrower the road becomes.
The “Yes But” People
When the children of Israel left Egypt and entered Rephidim in the Sinai Desert, they were attacked by the Amalekites. But God delivered them and instructed them to remember this event, which proved Him to be their Protector and Deliverer and true to His word.
One Day at a Time
Jamie tells the story of Jesus in the days before He went to see Lazarus and raise him from the dead. He teaches that we can make it through life best by walking with Jesus one day at a time.
Relationships of the Redeemed
The kingdom of God is about our relationship of God and what He has done for us. God has placed in our hearts a desire to be in relationship with Him. The only thing that satisfies is a relationship with the living God.
The Bitter Cannot Minister
Jamie relates experiences in his life that fostered resentment towards his mother and shares how he learned the importance of forgiveness.
Profound Simplicity
Jamie contends that the church has taken many of our ceremonies and traditions and turned them into religious laws and regulations. We have institutionalized worship. We have so polished the Gospel that it is no longer the simple message of Christ. But God wants our worship to be from the heart, not from habit or compulsion.
Change Your Bent
In this Father’s Day message, Jamie teaches that even though we are the way we are, we don’t have to stay that way. God can help us overcome our bad beginnings by the renewing of our mind and the changing of our nature.
God Teaches, We Share
Basing his message on Micah 4:2, Jamie says we should take time to hear from God and learn from what He teaches. Everything God gives us is for practical use, to teach us to walk in His path.
Jamie Buckingham Interview
In an interesting and revealing two-hour interview conducted sometime in 1978 by an unnamed person, Jamie talks about his history, including his youth, college days, pastorships, and other aspects of his life–all preparations used by God and each contributing to his eventual career as a popular writer and speaker. He also discusses various aspects of his role at the Tabernacle Church.
Managing Your Drives
From the very foundation of the earth, God had a purpose for you. Jesus wants to perfect that which is already in you–even your most basic drives and desires. Let Him work, and give God the glory!
Signs of His Life
In this Easter sermon, Jamie invites three people from the congregation to share how Jesus miraculously changed their lives. Such testimonies are proof that Jesus is still alive and working powerfully within us today.
God is not bound by the past. But He loves for us to remember what has taken place in the past–what He has done for us. Memorials remind us of the greatness of God and of His love and provision.
Working, Relating, and Being
We are all working together as the body of Christ. We are family and we are in ministry together for the glory of God. God wants us to achieve, but He also wants us to relate to each other. He wants us to be balanced.
Communication Skills
Jamie shares his experiences as a communicator, primarily in the areas of speaking and writing, and offers keys to getting published.
New Testament Worship
Jamie explains that various aspects of music affect different parts of us, whether body, soul, or spirit. Harmony in particular, he says, ministers to our spirits. Jamie also discusses the difference between praise and worship.
God’s Love Letters
Jamie hosts the PTL Club television show in the absence of Jim Bakker. Guests include pastors Tim Bagwell and Ed Cole.
Give Me That Mountain
In a message to students, Jamie offers encouragement and a challenge to live your life for God. Don’t just talk about your vision–do something about it. Attempt something so big that, unless God intervenes, it is bound to fail.
Prayers in Time of War
Jamie talks about the prayers we need to be praying in a time of war (specifically, the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq).
The bitter root causes us to miss the grace of God. It is the very heart of disunity in the church.
Writers Conference
Jamie discusses various writing techniques and key to getting published with a small gathering of would-be writers in Winston-Salem, NC.
Shibbeloth: Are You Spirit-Filled?
We must be careful in judging others who do things differently. The charismatic movement should not be an exclusive club. Christians should live in unity. The only legitimate question to ask is, Is Jesus Christ your Lord?
Personal Loyalty
Jamie discusses the Jewish concept of loyalty and the covenant of salt, which was a token to bind people into everlasting relationships. He demonstrates with his own commitment to his family, his church, and his small group.
How to Apply Christianity
We are all called to preach, but what does that really mean? We are to be a light in the world–everywhere we go and to everyone we encounter.
The Crucified Life
God wants the church to be alive with miracles and power. But if we put our faith in anything other than God, we will shrivel and die. Life comes from God and God alone.
Remember What God Has Done
As people of God, we must remember the great and wonderful things God has done for each of us. Regardless of the troubles we may have today, God is still in control. He did miracles before, and He will do them again.
Tithing and Blessing
Tithes and offerings are important to God as a way of being obedient to His Word. And when we are obedient, He blesses us. God wants us to be healthy and prosperous. Giving opens the door to His blessings.
Discipline and the Holy Spirit
Speaking to a small gathering in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles, Jamie talks about being disciplined. Only through discipline can we truly be free in the Holy Spirit.
Symphony with God
Speaking to a large gathering in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles, Jamie talks about how we, as Christians, should relate to our Jewish kinsmen, loving and accepting them as God does.
The Lamb of God
As he prepares to serve the Communion, Jamie talks about the final days of Jesus’ life and the Passover meal prepared at the Last Supper. Jesus was the lamb of God.
Jamie shares a story from Acts 8 about Simon the sorcerer who was full of bitterness. After he repents, he is able to be used by God.
Our Uniqueness
We are all unique individuals, and God wants us to remain unique–just as He created us to be, not conformed to the world or to religious ways of thinking and being. We are like the uncut stones God told Abraham to build his altars from, not identically honed bricks.
Crucified with Christ
While sharing several personal stories, Jamie talks about how to follow Jesus and how to abide in God to the point that we are truly crucified with Christ.
Standing on Victory Ground
God has enemies, and He deals with them harshly and with dispatch. He doesn’t take pity on His enemies, and He doesn’t expect us to, either. Satan is God’s enemy, as are his demons and those who do his bidding. There is no sympathy for the devil. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!
Purpose: Five Questions to Ask Ourselves
Jamie identifies five questions we should ask ourselves regarding who we are and why we want God. He states that God does not exist to serve us; rather, we are here to serve Him.
While in Israel on a tour with CBU, Jamie discusses the importance of discipline in accomplishing the work God sets before each of us.
Looking for My Father
In the heart of every man and woman is the desire to know and be known by God. The only way we will find Him is through personal revelation.
Testimony: Risky Living
Jamie shares his testimony and notes that our subconscious is like a lake full of junk that is brought to the surface through dreams. How are we to deal with this spiritually? This teaching is similar to a chapter in Jamie’s bestselling book, Risky Living.
Free from Fear
Jamie discloses some of his earliest childhood fears as he explains that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us and free us from the torment of fear.
God often uses testing–which can be translated “temptation”–as a tool to mature us.
Following Jesus
The command of Jesus to “leave your nets and follow Me” has different meanings for each of us. Peter, Andrew, James, and John followed Jesus, but they also continued on as fishermen. Jesus even fished with them and traveled in their boats. Jesus’ instruction is actually a command to shift our priorities.
Test of 13 Questions
Here are 13 questions about who we are in Christ that we, as believers, should be able to answer. But do we really believe the answers?
Satan achieves his purposes by creating division amongst believers and splitting the body of Christ. But God desires unity in the body, and we, as Christians, need to desire the same thing.
Hold No Bitterness
We are to hold no bitterness in our hearts towards anyone. To hold on to bitterness not only binds us and prevents God’s healing power from flowing through us; it also binds the ones we feel bitter towards.
Craftsmanship in Writing
At a Christian Writers Conference, Jamie shares some of his secrets to success in writing.
God Is For Us
We need a better understanding of who God is. The thing that divides us most is that we don’t really know God, and yet we impose our flawed thinking on others.
The Kingdom: Living Together
True Christians make up a shrinking minority in this country. The only way we’re going to stay alive and active in the future is to put into practice the Word of God and live in community with each other — koinonia.
Congress of the Holy Spirit
Jamie talks about the Good Samaritan, “shadow ministries,” and the way that signs and wonders follow our ministry.
Restoration of Praise
God is restoring the spirit of praise and worship among His people. Our purpose on earth is to give praise to God – and praise is always vocal. “With my mouth I will make known thy faithfulness.”
Good Friday Service
In this Good Friday service, Jamie discusses the fruit of the Spirit and how they are to be understood as a whole, not separated into individual components.
Unhewed Stones
The Bible is given to us not as a book of rules — we can’t keep the rules. But it is given to us to reveal the nature and character of God.
Concepts of Covenant
Jamie discusses the concept of the salt covenant and how it relates to marriage in the Scriptures.
Jamie Buckingham Testimony
Jamie shares stories of his initial experiences with the Holy Spirit.
What is Holiness?
Jamie asks, What is holiness? How are we as Christians set apart from the world? What is it that makes us different?
Genuine Christianity
Jamie tells the story of finding an old wrench in the desert and cleaning it up. Like that rusted wrench, God will take you off the junk pile, clean you up, and turn you into the person He always intended you to be.
Stand Aside and Let God Work
Jamie recounts how God told him that if he would just get out of the way, He would work. Preaching doesn’t change lives, nor does worship. What changes lives is acknowledging that Jesus is Lord and allowing His Holy Spirit to move.
Rejoice in Your Weakness
Jamie explains how God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. He points out that Sampson, the Old Testament hero, didn’t get his strength from his hair but from God. We must exchange our human strength for dependence on the Lord.
The Call of God
At the 1985 CBU National Leadership Conference, Jamie talks about the call of God. There is a difference between what we are called to do and what we are gifted to do, Jamie says. Our call is to be men and women of God and to obey God’s direction for our lives.
Reflect His Glory
The mission of the church, Jamie says, is to love God, enjoy Him forever, hear what He is saying, and do what He is doing. We are to be a reflection of God and His glory.
Closing the Door
Two things are necessary for a bush to burn in your life, as it did for Moses. First, you must have an open door to the future God has for you; and second, you must close the door to your past. Don’t allow past experiences to hinder you from hearing God and moving forward into the life He has prepared.
A Burning Bush
Discovering the burning bush was a life-changing event for Moses. He was able to hear God for two reasons: He had an open door the the future, and he had closed the door to his past. God loves you and has a plan and purpose for you, just as He did for Moses. Will you hear Him when He speaks?
Easter Is Now
The resurrection is at the heart of every teaching in the New Testament. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” In this Easter message, Jamie explains how the resurrection addresses our every need.
What About “Judge Not”?
As the church, we should not be afraid to speak boldly; but if we are to call others out, can we do it without being intimidating? Can we do it with pure motives? Are we willing to examine our own lives before judging others?
When Your Rope Breaks
How should we respond to seemingly impossible circumstances in our lives? Jamie addresses this question by looking at the example of Gideon, whom God used mightily in what seemed to be an impossible situation.
Reigning on Earth
Jamie discusses three things we should know about Jesus: First, Jesus was not successful by today’s standards; second, Jesus never intended to build an earthly kingdom; and third, Jesus’ commission to “go” still stands today.
What Kind of God?
Speaking to a group of thousands of young people gathered in Orlando, Jamie states that the question for most non-believers is not, “Is there a God?” Rather, it’s “What kind of God is He?” and “Does He really care for us?”
Stamped Positive
All of us have been born into sin, but Jesus came to redeem us and restore us to the people God intended us to be from the very beginning.
Cardinal Sins of the Church
Jamie lists a number of pastoral mistakes he made as a church leader during a period in the late 1980s, when the Tabernacle Church was undergoing changes. The lessons and principles he discusses can apply to any leadership position.
On the Move Again
God is preparing His church for the next move of God. We must be ready and willing to move at a moment’s notice, like the children of Israel following the cloud in the desert. When and where God moves, we must go, as well.
Jesus Is Lord
We must always allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten us individually and not take our beliefs from an institution only. We must be wary of anything that tries to pull us away from the Lordship of Jesus.
Accepted by God
We are to always remember three things: I am deeply loved by God; I am fully accepted by Him; and I am made righteous through Jesus.
Leadership Conference
Jamie discusses his understanding of who a leader is and what a leader’s role in the body of Christ should be. He also talks about the role of the “home church.”
A Word to Church Leaders
Jamie speaks to a group of church leaders in London, England, about the need for transparency among those who lead. He encourages all of us to raise our sails and go where the Spirit is going.
Following the Holy Spirit
Jesus left us with two things: the pure Word of God and the gift of His Holy Spirit. God can be trusted — He gave us the best gift possible.
God’s Ways Are Good Ways
Our human nature wants to have things our own way. As a result, Jamie explains in this Christmas message, we are blinded to the abundant life God wants for us. If we will turn and flow with Him, however, He will bring HIs divine purpose for us to pass. Only His way — not ours — is good.
Promises with Conditions
Referencing Joshua and the children of Israel, Jamie explains that all of God’s promises come with conditions. For instance, the promise that we will prosper and overcome our enemies is ours only if we walk in obedience to God. God wants to bless us, but first we must obey His Word.
A Hope in the Lord
In this Christmas message, Jamie talks about the dreams of mankind and how they came to pass when Jesus came to Earth — not as a warrior but as a humble child, so that we could have our fellowship with God restored.
Unity in the Spirit
Using the text from Acts 1 and 2, Jamie talks about the need for unity in the body of Christ — as the early church was in unity — if we are to expect a move of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Churches must be willing to overlook minor differences and come together as one.
The Shalom of God
When the peace of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you can expect five changes in your life, Jamie explains. These changes bring with them the desire for excellence, unity, grace, discipline, and contentment.
A Ring for Your Finger
From the parable of the prodigal son, Jamie draws lessons on God’s forgiveness. God has a special place in His heart for those who have “thrown it all away.” He is ready and eagerly waiting for our return.
Do the Simple Things First
Sometimes we just need to go back to the fundamentals! Jamie talks about his experience as a novice skier to illustrate why we must have a clear grasp of the fundamentals of truth before we can expect to move up to the higher mountains God has prepared for us.
Sunday Morning Teaching
We all go through times of trouble — pits in our lives. Jamie explains that God has a purpose for each of us, and the pits and struggles we experience are designed to help reveal that good purpose.
Letting Your Dreams Come to Pass
Jamie talks about how we should let the dreams of our heart from long ago be released, in order for God to work in us today. We must pray for God to give us courage and strength to do whatever He has called us to do.
Prophecy for the 1980s
Speaking near the end of 1979, Jamie discusses prophetically what may be ahead for Christian Believers United conferences and the charismatic movement in general in the decade to follow — the 1980s — and lists three things he believes God is calling believers to do.
Growth and Maturity
Jamie explains how we, the body of Christ, are to be growing and maturing day by day.
Be Not Deceived
Jamie lists several ways to avoid deception, discern truth, and test prophetic words. He sounds a warning against false prophets.
Hearing God
Jamie states that the task of a preacher is not to bring people to God, but to bring God to the people. He discusses the importance of being quiet before the Lord, along with other principles for accurately hearing God.
Five Questions
Jamie asks five questions that help disclose the true nature of our walk with God.
Planted Seeds
Jamie compares our life in Christ to that of a seed that has been planted. It grows slowly, often underground without anyone seeing progress, until the time God determines we are to sprout and bring forth fruit.
Rejoice in Your Weakness
In our weakness, God’s strength is made perfect. Using the example of Sampson, Jamie points out that Sampson’s strength did not come from his hair but from God. We must exchange our human strength for dependence on God.
God’s Note
God honors our worship and He honors the fact that we honor Him. Let everything and everyone that has breath praise the Lord.
Live or Die for the Glory of God
There is a place in the Christian community for the dreamer. What dream has God placed in your heart? Don’t put it aside. Trust God.
Love Your Neighbor
The reason many of us can’t love our neighbor is we don’t love ourselves. We are not comfortable with who God made us to be.
Christmas Program
Whenever Satan attacks you can be certain God has a great wonderful plan already underway for you and for the people around you.
Dreams – The Counselor of God
The secret to hearing God comes from living in accordance to the Spirit and being governed by Him and not by our sinful nature.
Ready to Live
The dying process is a part of living out our life for God. Let’s spend less time being concerned about things that really don’t matter to God.
Restoring God’s Way
In this world of sin and corruption we have got to stick together. Isaiah said, though we walk through the fire the flames will not touch us.
The Wells of Your Life
God is not looking for people who go around with their cups outstretched waiting for the next rains to fall. God wants a people who have a well of living water within them and can draw strength from his indwelling Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
How to Have Faith
If we are going to understand how to have faith, we must understand what the word of God is. How do you receive faith? You receive it by hearing the word of God — both the Rhema word and the Logos word of God.
How to Recognize God in Tribulation
Jamie discusses the two pits God uses to change us into His image—the pit of correction and the pit of curing.
The Drum Major Instinct
It seems we are all seeking attention. So many of us revel in past accomplishments in our endless search for recognition. Yet, as Christians we are already declared righteous. To God we have great value, regardless if people see it or not. People will always let you down. Look only to God for approval because His opinion is all that matters.
Acts Chapter 4
Only the person who is prayed-up can hear correctly from God, Jamie says in this teaching from Acts Chapter 4. If we want miracles in our lives, we need to be in touch with God on a minute-by-minute basis. Then will we be able to know God’s heart and be able to pray as God directs us to pray. The only thing that is really important is the kingdom of God, and God is in charge of His kingdom. God desires a relationship with us–one that is open and honest and lasting.
Living by God’s Life
Jesus stands for us in the judgement court so we do not have to be called before the judge. He is our righteousness and our deliverer. He is our healer and our advocate. He has taken our place and secured our freedom from sin and death.
The Sower
Good soil must be prepared. Soil isn’t ready for sowing until it has been thoroughly plowed under and turned over. Show me a Christian who has been plowed, crushed, and broken by the circumstances of life, who has learned to cling to Christ and trust the Holy Spirit in difficult times, and I will show you a person whose soil is prepared and fertile. When the seed falls upon it, it will take root, blossom, and grow.
Becoming a Person of God
If we are going to become men and women of God, a separation from the world is necessary. What that looks like will be different for each of us, depending on our mission and our personal strengths and weaknesses. But some things are the same for us all. For example, we can’t walk with one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom.
Back to the Garden
The ultimate goal of all our Christian growth—our diligent Bible studies, our prayer and fasting, our relationships and fellowships—is that we enter into a very deep, personal, intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Famine in the Land of Promise
What do you do when you discover famine in your land of promise? Do you trust God and wait on Him, or do you leave for what, in appearance at least, is greener pasture? Let me assure you: once you get to where you’re going, you’ll quickly find that things aren’t nearly as green as you thought.
Jamie Buckingham Testimony
Jamie Shares his testimony to a group of believers at a Melbourne, FL, chapter of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Association.
Binding and Loosing
A production tape on how to break the bonds of our addiction to food.
Flying on Course
We need to be familiar with the language God uses, and learn to recognize His voice; otherwise, we won’t be able to respond to Him when He calls. We must know how to tune out other sounds. If we are distracted by all the background noise or the chattering of other pilots, we will have a hard time hearing what He wants use to do next.
Easter Sunday Service
Jesus always initiates the relationship. He comes to us, just as He came to the men on the Emmaus road. But so often our eyes are blinded because we are looking in the wrong direction—away from Jerusalem and the empty tomb. We allow discouragement and despair, instead of the promises of God, to determine our direction.
The Call to Follow Jesus
Jamie identifies 5 ways in which we are called to follow Jesus.
The Shaking of God
Jamie discusses the hows and the whys of God shaking His church.
Wholly Following the Lord
This is the story of Caleb and his lifelong desire to follow the Lord, no matter how difficult the battles that lay ahead.
They Shall Run and Not Be Weary
Weariness is one of the main problems that plague God’s people. But don’t give up. God will give you strength to do what He calls you to do.
Out of the Darkness into the Light
We are told to not seek guidance from anyone or anything other than God. All other sources are from Satan and his demonic realms.
JB on the Holy Spirit
God wants to manifest Himself to us. He wants to show is His presence and power in ways that defy logical explanation.
High Calling
This is the story of Ruth and Boaz and Boaz’s gift of mercy. Like Ruth, we all have people who have helped us along the way.
Jeremiah 18
Jeremiah was led by God to a potter’s house. There he learned important lessons on how God deals with us, teaches us, and molds us.
God’s Enemies – Self Reliance and Self Confidence
God does not ask that we depend on our own abilities. He asks that we depend and rely upon Him alone.
Creative Worship
It is time for the church of today to break through and move into new dimensions of worship. True worship will lead you into a true relationship with God. Pure worship is when everyone has their eyes on God. Not a pastor or a band. But only on God.
A Letter from God
God has an answer for every question you might have. It may come from the Bible. Tt may come from the godly counsel of others. He may whisper it into your spirit or write it on your heart. But God will answer. All you need to do is open the lines of communication with Him, and just ask. He will speak to you.
Live Life to the Fullest
Jesus said He came so we can have life to the fullest. He is talking about the restoration of that life which was ours originally but was stolen by Satan. It all boils down to our having authority, through Jesus Christ, over Satan.
On Writing
Jamie conducts a short Q&A on some of his writing secrets and strategies.
Chapter 1 – The Art of Storytelling
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
Chapter 2 – The Gift of Writing
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
Chapter 3 – Structuring Your Book
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
Chapter 4 – Write the Way You Talk
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
Chapter 5 (Part 1) – Fiction Writing Techniques
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
Chapter 5 (Part 2) – Fiction Writing Techniques
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
Chapter 6 – Preparing Your Material for Publication
In February 1991, Stephen Strang (publisher of Charisma and Ministries Today magazines) asked Jamie Buckingham to speak to a select group of writers — most of whom were published authors or had nationally recognized ministries. Jamie spent many hours imparting his gift of writing at this three-day seminar. This series captures the best of Jamie Buckingham, his years of experience as an author and his insights into the gift of writing.
The Grandfather Clock (The Weights of Life)
Jamie teaches on looking at life from the perspective of eternity and how God often places weights on each of us in order to develop a dependence on Him.
The Land that has no Paths
There is no map or chart for any of us to follow in this life. It is like a land with no paths. All we have is God’s word and his presence. That’s the only chart we have. If we will put our hand in the hand of Jesus, he will walk with us, step by step, guiding us throughout our life.
Trusting God
How do you trust God? You start by listening and by clearing your mind of previous ideas. Jamie then goes into four specific things he has learned about trusting God and leaning not to his own understanding.
Unproductive Times
Jamie teaches on not becoming discouraged during the unproductive times or the fruitless seasons of our lives.
Finding Truth (with a Capitol T)
With Truth comes change and oftentimes it is too tough to receive. We tend to back away from Truth because we don’t want to change. Why? Because Truth calls for death to the old nature. Jesus said “I am the Truth.” If you know Truth, you will be changed. And that’s frightening for most people.
Our Absolute God
Jamie shares of his recent trip the White House and his belief that what is going on in the local church is so much more important than what is going on there. Establishing the Kingdom of God in our communities is far more important than dealing with high rollers who will be replaced after the next election.
Are You Serious About Jesus?
Jamie discusses the AIDS epidemic (from a 1986 perspective) and asks the question: How are we as Christians supposed to deal with it? He then moves into the aspect of the Church needing to unify. Only in unity can we successfully combat the schemes of the devil.
Crushed into Wine
Jamie talks abou the importance of unity in the body of Christ, especially when crisis comes.
How to Handle the Future
Unity in the body of Christ is vital for evangelizing the world. Teaching from John 17:20-23, Jamie impresses the importance of the body of Christ coming into a covenant relationship with one another as did the early churches in the New Testament.
Preparing His Bride
God is purposefully shaking His church in preparation for the end times. He is also bringing us into unity and giving his followers a safe harbor, and it’s all for His glory.
The Church in the Home
How do we as Christians know we are in togetherness? The fruit of our unity is being able to hear from God and act in agreement, following the spirit as God speaks, and staying attune to his every new direction.
Clay in the Potter’s Hands
Jamie teaches on being useable to God and being pliable as He molds and shapes us to be who He wants us to be in the Kingdom. “Being used by God means being willing to be changed by God, to progress and move with Him. The usable person is the one who is flexible.”
God’s Unusual People
Who does God use? God is not looking for perfect people. He is looking for yielded people to accomplish His desires and His will on this earth. Regardless of the vessel, God’s word will not return void or empty
High Calling — Vessels of Honor
God wants us to live a life of usefulness. We all have a dream that our life will count for something. A dream that we can do more than just merely exit. As Christians we have a high calling and we are to press on for whatever that may be, even to the point of suffering for Christ.
Our talents are given to us by God. He expects us to use these talents, invest them, multiple them, and in doing so he will rewards us. Not to use our talents, out of fear or for any other reason, will cause our Lord to be greatly displeased, even to the point of calling us wicked and lazy (Matt. 25:26)
What Are You Doing?
Jamie takes his teaching from Jesus’ parable in Luke 19 about the 10 minas. What are you doing with what God has given you? Are you putting your gifts to work for God or are you simply leaving them buried in the ground?
Who Does God Use?
God will use you in the service of his kingdom right where you are today. It doesn’t matter that you have never been used before. God will use you now, if you let him, if you are fully willing to be used by him. If you are not afraid but you are trusting. All you have to do is to present yourself usable, just the way you are
God in the Desert
Here are four things we should do when we find ourselves in a wilderness place in our lives.
The Ram’s Horn
There are 3 kinds of people who live in the desert: Dwellers (like the Bedouins), hermits (who purposely go there to stay), and pilgrims (who are just passing through). Following God in our wildernesses will always lead us to the Promised Land. But we must be willing to follow him. It’s part of the Christian life to go through wildernesses, not remain in them.
Worry and Anxiety
Jesus asks why we worry when He knows everything that is going on in our lives? Jamie compares worry to an alarm clock. We are to turn it off as soon as it alerts us to something. Then we are to release that situation to God. We are not to wallow in it any more than we are to listen to the alarm once awake.
The Cry of the Wild Goose
Jamie relates Kierkegaard’s story of barnyard geese and teaches on our need to be willing to have enough faith to leave the barnyard of tradition and fly with God, who has placed dreams of spiritual adventure in our hearts.
Combating Spiritual Burnout
If you are serious about Jesus, at some point you will come under attack from Satan. But remember, the battle is the Lord’s and it has been won. We are to stand firm in the faith and continue to do what God has called us to do. The Lord is our strength as spiritual forces fight on our behalf in the heavenlies.
Staff of Authority
Using Moses as his example, Jamie teaches on taking the staff of authority and how we must hear God on a daily bases and not rely solely on ancient traditions for our direction. The Holy Spirit empowers us to take spiritual authority over every area of our life and that authority begins with self-discipline and obedience to God.
Battle Strategy
Jamie uses King Jehoshaphat as an example for how we should prepare for spiritual warfare. He lists 8 specific ways to prepare for battle, and if we do them, we will never have to draw our sword. The battle will indeed be the Lord’s.
We Are Pilgrims (The Basics of Maturity)
Jamie discusses walking in spiritual maturity and that also means understanding we are just pilgrims on this earth. He lists four things that happen to Christians once we come to an understanding of this principle.
Affliction and Redemption
Jamie teaches on the story of Job and the dilemma we sometimes encounter when we know we serve a good and loving God, however, like in the case of Job, there are times when terrible things happen to us.
Don’t Waste Your Pain
Do you know that God has a purpose for your pain? He knows all of our troubles and He has a purpose for everything that happens to us. Trust God. He is at work in your life.
Paradoxes of Life
Have you ever set out to pray for something and the exact opposite happens instead? Jamie has 3 words for you: Don’t Give Up. Remember, God is on our side and He is watching over us. We just need to begin to look at all things through His eyes with eternity in mind. God desires that we see as He sees, understand as he understands, and to live by faith.
Despelling the Darkness
Jamie shares his experiences following his 9 days in the Indonesian and New Guinea jungles, imparting the Holy Spirit to this generation, all over the world.
Hungry for the Spirit (Fourteen Years )
Jamie shares his testimony 14 years after he was filled with the Holy Spirit and reveals that his spiritual life has been a continual quest to spiritual maturity. There is always more spiritually in store for us if we will only hunger for the things of God, hunger for His Holy Spirit. As we hunger God will continually fill us with his Spirit.
Pain: A Growth Indicator
The indicator of growth in the Christian is pain. The Christian is called by God to change from darkness into light and that change causes pain. Yet, our pain is not without purpose. We can never return to the darkness lest we forsake God forever.
Jamie shares his personal testimony of how he was first filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the earliest known recording of his testimony.
Though He Slay Me
Here is the story of Job. Jamie teaches that despite how it seemed to Job, God never turned His back on him. He only removed His conscious presence for a time. Once God sets a person on a path, God may test that individual to see if he will continue to trust God or turn aside when times get hard.
Trials Produce Character
When rains fall into your life, rejoice. God has brought you to that place because he loves you. And remember, whom God loves he chastens, so all the ugliness can be gone and we are matured to have the character of Jesus, complete and not lacking anything.
Turning Back Your Enemy
Jamie shares about the recurrence of cancer in his body. Yet, he knows God has a plan for him, a triumphal procession, as Paul called it, for when things don’t go the way you wanted them to go, as was often the case with Paul.
Except the Lord Build
Psalm 127 shows us God’s perspective: Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. How much of what we do is in vain because it is done for the wrong motivations?
Really. Where is Your Trust?
When you place your trust in God alone, you will never be disappointed. God will not let you down. People on the other hand are not to be trusted. They are to be loved, but our trust is reserved for God.
Relinquishment of Control
There is something in each of us that says we can run our own life better than God can. Yet, the call of God to his people is the call of the shepherd to his sheep. We are to humble ourselves before him, go where he tells us to go, do what he tells us to do, and be who he tells us to be. Jamie also teaches on the purpose of giving and tithing.
Relinquishment of Control
There is something in each of us that says we can run our own life better than God can. Yet, the call of God to his people is the call of the shepherd to his sheep. We are to humble ourselves before him, go where he tells us to go, do what he tells us to do, and be who he tells us to be. Jamie also teaches on the purpose of giving and tithing.
Take the Offensive
This is Jamie’s last message before undergoing major surgery to remove his cancerous kidney. We must stay under God’s covering, he said, walk with Him in obedience. We are to resist the devil by taking the offensive, not allowing Satan to be the one to call the shots.
Supernatural People
As Christians we are a supernatural people. The problem is we still function on a natural level. We do things in the natural and only expect things to be done for us on the natural level. Which is why so many of our prayers go unanswered. God desires for us to see things and do things in the supernatural realm. He desires to answer our prayers and to bless us, supernaturally.
A God of History and Purpose
God’s plan is to fulfill biblical prophecy. When Israel became a nation in 1948 that was fulfilling prophecy and now millions of Jews live there. God also has a plan for each of us.
The Battle is the Lord’s
God continues to speak to His people today. He speaks not only through his written word but he also speaks to us through words of prophecy. And when God speaks, we need to listen and we need to obey.
New Dimensions
Real purpose in our lives and our church comes only when we know Jesus and follow Him only.
Fanning the Flame
Jesus takes the slightest spark of hope in your life and blows on it, gently. He looks into your life and He sees the spark each of us have. It may be covered up with guilt or sin, but there is a fire burning in the life of every single person. If you allow Him, Jesus will find that fire and blow His Holy Spirit upon it. And when He does it will burst into flame, all for His glory.
Restoration and Reconciliation
We often confuse reconciliation with being restored. In the case of our relationship with God there is restoration. And that is what will open the door for our reconciliation with others on a horizontal basis. Relationships that many of us think can never be healed can indeed be reconciled, healed, through Jesus.
Guides to Successful Living
Jamie speaks at the “Jesus ’79” gathering in Orlando, Fla. He discusses how to deal with feelings of rejection and how God desires to fulfill the dreams of our heart. “Whoever receives a call from God to high service,” he states, “must renounce whatever has formed him.”
Building Family
Jamies talks about building families and establishing a true community of God among believers
In his last message of the decade, Jamie leads the congregation in ten specific prayers of repentance. Repentance for the sin of unbelief, rebellion against God, sins of our attitudes, the flesh, dishonesty, greed and more.
Repentance is how we return to God’s will and it is through repentance we strive for holiness. The word holy in the Bible means separated or different. It means to be set apart. God is calling us all to be set apart from the world, to be holy and you get there through repentance. You shut the door on the past and turn around. You say you will not be that kind of person anymore; you will not do those things anymore.
Surprised by Joy
In this Easter service message, Jamie teaches on the death and resurrection of Jesus. He shares about the significance of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume the week before his crucifixion and how it was she who Jesus “surprised” along the pathway on the morning of his resurrection.
Eagles or Turkeys
The Bible states that we are righteous in the Lord Jesus. We are no longer bound by our old sin nature, and the Holy Spirit has come to convict us not of sin but of our righteousness. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Turkeys or Eagles
Jamie begins by asking several questions designed to determine who we are as Christians. He then tells his famous “Are you an Eagle or a Turkey?” story. He concludes by saying God wants four things for us: to be happy, healthy, prosperous and at peace. Despite being raised by “turkeys,” we are in fact eagles.
Spiritual Athletes
There is only one thing in this life that counts and that is the crown of glory, righteousness and life that God has been preparing for us. God is looking for a generation who will respond to His calling, people who are moving, not just standing in the way. God wants a people who are willing to sacrifice their life for His purposes and not just seek earthly riches, glory or fame.
Jamie teaches that if Christ came into this world for one thing it was to show us that in Him we are overcomers, winners, and we do not have to allow the world to fashion us into its mold.
Sexual Immorality and Restoration in the Church (How to Get Jesus into Your Life)
Using the text from 1 Corinthians 5, Jamie discusses how to handle sexual immorality and more importantly, restoration, in the church. He then goes on to talk about legal disagreements in the body using the text from 1 Corinthians 6.
Our Shalom
The term Shalom in Hebrew has multiple meanings. It means peace, well-being, safety and salvation. Jesus is our Shalom and through Him all obligations are complete.
Thanksgiving in the Pit
This is the story of Joseph son of Israel. Jamie teaches how we can be thankful even when bad things happen to us. Whether we are in the ‘pit of correction’ or in the ‘pit of curing’, the Lord our God is with us and he will not leave us alone as he shapes us and molds us to His image.
Together There is Strength
Jamie teaches on the age-old question, What is Sin? “Christians like to talk about forgiveness, but to understand true forgiveness we need to understand sin, otherwise we don’t know what we are being forgiven of, and the first thing sin produces is unbelief. At the very core of sin is a lack of faith. When Jesus came to the world He came to restore to us the ability to have faith and believe God.”
Victory over Sin
Jamie discusses 3 basic principles that will help us have victory over sin and achieve spiritual authority through Christ.
Drive with Delimiters
From the very foundation of the earth, God had a purpose for you. He created you in His image and not only did He create you but He continues to re-create you. Jesus wants to perfect that which is already in you even your most basic drives and desires. Let Him work and give God the glory in the re-creation process.
Overcoming Bad Beginnings
With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome bad beginnings. No matter how terrible our childhood was, God still has an ultimate plan for us. Jamie shares 3 things we can do to overcome our rough starts in life.
Stand Firm in the Midst of Adversity
All throughout the scriptures we read of God’s people facing adversities. But through tough times God wants his people to stand firm. God doesn’t intend for his people to be crushed by problems. So when you are hit by circumstances in life, remember God doesn’t intend for you to stay down, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can and will rise back up.
Standing Strong in Adversity
Jamie declares that even though tough times may come, the Christian is to stand firm, learning the secrets of being flexible as the winds of adversity blow, and always trust only God. In this tape he shares the story of his car exploding but miraculously no one was permanently injured.
The Inside of the Kingdom
Jamie looks closely at the godly lessons from the book of Haggai and comes away with three keys for dealing with adversity in the life of a Christian: 1) determine the spiritual force behind the adversity; 2) do we really want God in our life or are we just hoping for relief; and 3) if you want God, what are the keys to coming into His presence.
What to do in (Times of) a Crisis
Our lives are shaped by the traumatic things that happen to us and by our reaction to those situations. Jamie shares 5 keys to help get us through traumatic times, times of crisis, as we learn to handle the unfair experiences of life.
When God Withdraws
Taking lessons from the book of Haggai, Jamie discusses how we as Christians should respond when we find ourselves in times of adversity. He tells us to first determine if it is God or Satan causing the adversity. Then he cautions us to be very careful when blaming Satan for adversity in the life of a Christian because nothing happens to us unless it first flows through the loving hands of God.
The Patience of Daniel
God blesses those who are willing to wait for Him and not take matters into their own hands. How impatient we are to get ahead of God. Daniel waited before the Lord. He was a man of great patience and God blessed him for it. Patience before the Lord is not easy, but it reaps great rewards.
Waiting on the Lord
God holds the ends of all things in His hands because He is in control. All we need to do is wait on Him, patiently, all the while doing what He has given us to do. We don’t worry and we don’t try to control the future. We wait on the Lord and soon we will soar on wings like eagles.
Dealing with an Adversary
Do know of people who don’t like you? Who want to harm you? How do you deal with them? There are specific instructions in the scriptures that relate to this situation. And if you will do what God says you are to do, you will find yourself being blessed in the process.
Persecution is Normal for Every Christian Life (The Christian Life)
If you are living a life in Christ Jesus, you can expect persecution. In fact, the godlier you become the more persecution will come your way. How do you deal with it? Do you look at persecution as a tool God uses to grow you into the person He wants you to be? Or are you resentful and bitter? God has a higher calling for each of us and it’s through persecution and crisis that we grow into His higher calling.
Pushing Through
Too many Christians stop praying before the task is complete, often right before breakthrough arrives. But the scriptures instruct us to keep on praying, to be persistent, to not give up, and in the proper time we will reap a harvest.
Praise God in Tough Times
Evil can’t stand in the presence of praise, especially in the presence of children praising. That is one reason Jesus said we all should become like children. Little children aren’t worried about the trivial things adults worry about. They just praise God. And when we like children praise God, the very gates of hell begin to shudder and quiver.
Acquiring the Presence of God
Our purpose on earth is to love God, enjoy his presence and allow him to enjoy us. He wants a relationship with us. That is his great desire. All we need to do is recognize him and participate in the presence of God through our prayer life.
Activating Angels
Jamie teaches how our prayers are activating agents to enlist the angels to fight spiritual battles on our behalf. Prayer is the key to successful spiritual battles.
God Blesses Our Specific Prayer
Our specific prayers are often answered by God, not by God increasing our indulgences, but by Him reducing our neediness. God knows the intent of our heart. He knows if we are praying with a greedy heart or if we are really planning to follow through on our commitments to Him, to love Him and obey His commandments.
Helpless but not Hopeless
Christians need to stop being so critical of each other. They should instead do as the scriptures instruct and pray for their brothers and sisters in Christ.
How to Win Through Prayer
Just two weeks after receiving his diagnosis of inoperable cancer, Jamie discusses how his new found understanding of prayer has given him the strength he needed to get through that tough time.
Keys to Answered Prayer
Jamie reveals 10 keys to answered prayer taken from the story of Hannah and her prayer for a son, found in 1 Samuel chapter 1.
Psalm 37
Jamie teaches on Psalm 37 and how God gives us the desires of our heart
The Authority of Leadership
As Jamie prepares to ordain new elders, he teaches on the authority and responsibility of being a leader and minister in the Church.
The Servant
Being a servant is a calling for everyone who desires to be in leadership while in the service of the Lord
Navigating the Narrow Path
Jamie teaches on making certain our walk through this life is it not on the broad road that leads to destruction but on the narrow path the leads to the cross. And as we walk that narrow path are we bearing fruit or are we like the fig tree that only had leaves and which Jesus cursed?
The Lifestyle of Jesus
Jamie teaches on what the Bible clearly defines as the lifestyle of Jesus. How then should our lifestyle be, as the followers of Christ? How should we regard material things? How should we regard others?
A Holy Kiss
Jamie teaches on how God wants for us to love each other as brothers and sister in Christ.
Love or Pretense
What is love? Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Peter answered, three times, but used a different word for love than Jesus had used. Agape love verses phileo love. Our understanding of what love really is, isn’t always God’s definition.
Restoring Relationships
Jamie teaches from Malachi 2 and the importance of keeping our vows made before God and loving each other as God loves us, as Christ loves the Church. Love is not a feeling. Love is an act.
Full-Time Christian Service
God has called every believer into full-time Christian ministry. This does not necessarily mean we are to quit our jobs and go to the mission field. It does mean we are to be like Jesus everywhere we go throughout our normal lives.
Who is Unworthy to Minister
Jamie touches on the sensitive issue of what disqualifies a person from ministry. In 1987 several key Christian leaders were scandalized. Did the church react in a Godly way, or were we overly judgmental? Jamie touches on the issue of bitterness in our hearts as he teaches from Acts 8 and the story of Simon the Sorcerer.
Your Shadow Ministry
As you look back across your life you will likely recall people who have let their shadow fall on you. Because of them you are who you are today. As you use your giftings for the Lord’s service, your shadow is falling on untold numbers of others, and God is healing and blessing them, not because you have physically touched any of them, but because you are being obedient to Him.
Miracles Series (Part 1) – Water into Wine
This is the first in a series on the miracles of Jesus – Turning water into wine.
Handling the Issue of Money
Jamie teaches on the topic of money and the Christian’s attitude toward giving. God is a giving God and He does not require anything of us in exchange for his gifts to us.
A Risky Walk
Jamie teaches on how God looks at the motives of our heart rather than our worldly successes
A Risky Walk
Jamie teaches on several spiritual truths including: (1) How a task is done is more important to God than whether it is completed or not. (2) To be kind is more important that being right. (3) It is possible to be supernaturally led by God and protected by God yet still miss His purpose for your life.
Lessons from the Ark
Jamie teaches on several lessons he had taken from the Ark of the Covenant and how we must not hold any other gods before the One True God, regardless of how sacred or personal that thing, or person, is to us.
Take Up Your Cross Daily
Jamie teaches on God’s blessing and our obedience to His call. We must lay everything on the altar, knowing the only way to receive God’s blessing is God’s way.
They Left Their Nets (Part 1)
We cannot bypass the foundational elements of what Jesus taught us simply because they seem hard. Jesus said we should love the Lord thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We must have our feet planted on the rock of Jesus Christ and put into practice the words and commands He gave us.
They Left Their Nets (Part 2)
We cannot bypass the foundational elements of what Jesus taught us simply because they seem hard. Jesus said we should love the Lord thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We must have our feet planted on the rock of Jesus Christ and put into practice the words and commands He gave us.
The Heavenly Perspective
Jamie teaches on the dangers of the occult. He tells that our guidance should come only from God through the Bible as interpreted by the Holy Spirit. Any other source of guidance like that found in horoscopes, astrology or witchcraft, is of the devil and must be left alone.
Airborne with God
All pilots know that it is the head winds that assist with a plane getting off the ground. The same applies in our spiritual lives. Often it is the contrary winds that lift us up off the ground and get us moving.
God is Shaking His Church
God wants us to be able to stand firm in times of adversity. He doesn’t want us to be crushed. And if we get knocked down He doesn’t intend for us to stay down. In the kingdom of God there is no such thing as a knockout blow. God’s people are always able to rise above adversity and the way we do it is by having the Holy Spirit inside of us.
Be Ready for the Holy Spirit to Move (Lengthen Your Stakes)
When you encounter the Holy Spirit, expect things to change, to flow, to move. The Holy Spirit is not placid. New wine, as it grows and ferments, is a violent experience. Place new wine in old wine skins, the Bible says, and you will have a disaster on your hands. The Holy Spirit cannot be placed into an old wine flask that can’t expand. It needs to be flexible and able to expand.
Entering the Land — Stir up the Gift
As Christians we are to be separate from the world. God has given us the Holy Spirit, yet we must, as Paul says in 2 Timothy, “stir up the gift” or “fan into flame” the gift of God, so we may be fulfilled and victorious in our daily walk with Him.
My Story
Jamie shares his testimony and how he first came to be filled with the Holy Spirit
New Wineskins
Jamie teaches that God is stretching His kingdom and He wants us, requires us, to be flexible enough to move with Him. He will not pour new wine into old wineskins. We must change and be filled with His Holy Spirit in order to move with God.
Pentecost Today
Jamie teaches on how we can receive the Holy Spirit. He tells the story of God’s plan, from the very beginning, that the Holy Spirit should come to earth, after the ascension of Jesus, and be available to all who believe.
Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Jamie shares his own personal experiences when he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time while researching his first book, Run Baby Run, with Nicky Cruz, in New York and then later in Washington, D.C. in the late 1960s.
Talk About Tongues
God wants each of us to be empowered by the filling of his Holy Spirit, just as Jesus was. Jamie shares his testimony of his first experience with the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues.
The Breath of God
God wants to bring us to the place where we no longer need to be dealt with roughly, but where he can deal with us through a gentle, inner spirit. Instead of moving us externally, he desires to move us from the inside.
The Dark Pit
Jamie discusses the need for ministers of God to be filled with the Holy Spirit at a Methodist minister’s conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C. He shares about his own difficulties attempting to serve God in his own strength, then how his life, and ministry, was radically changed once he came into the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit’s Work Today
Jamie teaches on the work of the Holy Spirit in the world today and how we will receive His power in times of trouble.
The Hope of Glory
How easy it would be for a church to become a trapping, to go off and do all the churchy things but not be filled with the Holy Spirit. God forbid we become like the Pharisees who did all the legal and lawful things but still failed to be true followers of the Lord because they refused to allow the Spirit of Jesus to lead them.
The Satisfying Spirit
For every person on earth God has a purpose. To each He has given specific gifts, and He wants to fulfill all those thing with His Holy Spirit. He wants that purpose fulfilled in each of us and for that to happen we need the presence of God working within us.
Going Home
God is saying something to us about where we are to establish our home. Home has a mystical meaning and as Christians we know this earth is not our real home. We are just passing though on our way to the courts of the Lord, to the place Jesus promised our real home awaits
God’s Love and Mercy
Jamie teaches on the lessons of Jonah and how God even uses calamities to teach us and bring us into the purpose he has intended for us.
Great Joy
Jamie teaches on joy in the kingdom of God using the vast differences of two kings of Judea, Ahaz and his son Hezekiah, as examples. Ahaz was evil and brought great destruction to the land while Hezekiah led the people back to the Lord and with that came great joy.